DSM 5 - Psychiatry Out of Control - Is Everything a Mental Illness?

11 years ago

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Life Coach, BPD and Mental Health Coach, A.J. Mahari, asks what mental illness even really is. Has anyone truly defined it within a context that includes a definition of what Mental Health is? Now, with the arrival of the DSM 5 mental illness seems to be practically anything and everything psychiatry feels like pathologizing and medicating with the dangerous Psychiatric Meds that more often than not do way more harm
than good. How are they allowed to continue this assault on their own patients? Psychiatry, biopsychiatry, and the DSM 5 are so out of control, they could now find reason within their own "bible of psychiatry" to diagnose a "ham sandwich" with just about anything. Not good for a ham sandwich, outright dangerous for human beings and even moreso for younger and younger patients being given psychiatric meds that haven't even been tested well for adults but that have not been at all tested for children.

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