Narcissistic Abuse Is a Targeted Setup - Isolation, Triangulation, Gaslighting

7 years ago
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Narcissistic abuse is always a targeted set-up. No coincidence of happenstance to it. Whether it comes from a Cluster B Personality Disordered Mother and/or Father, or a sibling, or a significant other or other family member, you have been targeted and setup. That in and of itself is painful reality enough. Add to that the tools of the Narcissistic Abuser's quest for supply at all cost from you, Isolation, Triangulation, and Gaslighting, to name but a few, and what you end up with is indescribable pain, hurt, anger, self-doubt, low self-esteem, PTDS, C=PTSD and so much more and for adult children - the LEGACY that so often repeats and increases your pain so much. Then there's the journey, not a short journey, of healing and recovery when one is ready to break away from the abuser and begin that recovery journey. Wherever you are on that journey, one thing I've learned is that we are never 100% finished. But we can get as close to that as we are willing and brave enough to go. Be brave. Believe in your recovery journey, whether its just beginning, your further down the road than ever before or you are more than well on your way.

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