Forty By Ahmed Al Shugairi – Part 2

10 months ago

After reaching the age of forty-two, Ahmed Al-Shugairi made a decision to isolate himself for forty days, which he spent on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean, away from the hustle of life and the distractions of technology.
Al-Shugairi made the decision to isolate himself after he came to the conviction of the importance of this type of experience in achieving spiritual ascension and improving the connection with God. So he decided to go to a private place, on an isolated island, alone, away from modern means of communication such as mobile phones and Internet, and away from family and friends. Al-Shugairi’s goals of this isolation were to release the soul from the distractions of the daily life, so that the mind can be free of distractions and the soul gets rid of the complexes and internal conflicts. As Al-Shugairi wanted to crown his forty-two years of age with an isolation that would help him in his pursuit towards self-discipline, quitting some bad habits, and reaching a state of inner peace or a "reassuring soul", it would also help him to clear his mind in order to evaluate the past and plan for the future.
And regarding choosing forty days, Al-Shugairi believes that this period of isolation is capable of causing a radical change in his life, and that this number has been repeated several times in the Qur’an and the Bible, and it has been linked to many events that have caused radical changes at the level of individuals and societies, such as the flood in the story of Noah, and the meeting of God with Moses, and the loss of the Israelite people in the desert. And as it was mentioned in the Qur’an that a person reaches the peak of his giving at the age of fourty.
The result of this isolation was that Al-Shugairi wrote this book, which contains ten chapters, each of which includes forty articles, the chapters in their titles vary between narrating the events of the forty days that the writer spent and listing several topics, including his life, his god, the Qur’an, his books, himself, people judging, The improvements he plans for his life, his memories, and some stories and wisdom from life. In this summary, we will shed light on some of the ideas and topics that Al-Shugairi narrated in his Book Forty.
Bit to remember: Just as a computer is sent to be repaired in order to get rid of viruses, also being alone or isolated is like re-preparing and treating oneself.

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