Irish Government Targets The Irish

1 year ago

Bowne Report

The tables have turned on the coordinated invasion of Europe by the United Nations NWO establishment..

For a year, the Irish people protested their government peacefully against the madness of an off the rails immigration system.

It was fitting that the the words of Irish American John F. Kennedy defined the series of events to come with this wisdom. Quote "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

The Globalist minions had long been warned. The Irish people had endured enough.

Ireland's UFC Champion Connor McGregor declared war. McGregor was quickly investigated for hate speech by the New World Order fascists. A media and political death machine installed by the World Economic Forum. Barking the now all too familiar demonization of the native people as far right extremists.

Lies upon lies. The Irish burned down migrant centers. Yet protected their stores from being looted by immigrants.

And then the Irish Parliament weighed in. Ireland’s online hate speech bill proposal will be “restricting freedom for the common good,” according to Irish Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly.

As Keith Woods reported “Irish government ministers are considering proposals to cut welfare of people who took part in anti-immigration riot.

If someone broke the law, they will suffer the consequences under the law, but I have never before seen a government considering depriving welfare as a bonus punishment.

The Algerian migrant who stabbed children outside a school had not worked in 20 years - Ashling Murphy's killer Josef Puska and his family had lived on welfare in Ireland for over 10 years.”

The anger in Europe has boiled over. The English, Spanish, Germans, Greeks, French, and Italians have had enough of the government's guests murdering, raping, and looting. There will be no New Ireland. Ireland is for and of the Irish people.

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