David Joshua - Running Still [Song Video]

1 year ago

Artist: David Joshua
Song: Running Still


And I'm not afraid
To stand with you in your place
For all I ever need
Is here with you

Any old how or any old way
It don't matter what they say

And when I close my eyes
I know your on your way
And when I hold my breathe
You still promise me that day

Any old how or any old way
It don't matter what they say

For as long as I break this bread
And as long as I spill this wine
I'll proclaim your name until the end of time
When the stars fall from the sky
And the land begins to shake
My God I know I'm goin' to break!

So please take this love and do with it what you will
Until that time my blood will run still

More Music:

© 2007, © 2023 David J. Ledbetter
U Records, TRUSTd Records

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