5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became CEO Of Profitalize - Jon Weberg & Authority Magazine

1 year ago

Here's a interview snippet from my article and piece that Authority Magazine did about me a year or so ago. I simply walk through 5 things I wish someone told me before I became a CEO and entrepreneur. I've recently launched, https://profitalize.com/ which I'm extremely proud of.

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Jon Weberg is a top 1% business growth consultant who helps entrepreneurs & companies establish the right precise strategies to help them reach their next comma through hyper optimization, lead generation, and much more.

He's worked with Frank Kern, John Crestani, Sam Ovens, MarketerHire, and some of the worlds most successful businesses.

If you want to raise customer retention, scale your revenue forward,
build a loving customer culture that sticks for life, consider building forward with https://profitalize.com or for consulting https://jonweberg.com

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