BPD, NPD, ASPD - No Responsiblity

8 years ago

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Cluster B Personality Disordered people do not know how to take personal responsibility or be held accountable for their words, actions, or behaviour.

Session(s) NPD Abuse Recovery:

They project out so much if not all of everything they "feel" then in (BPD) magically believe is "real" onto others. In the case of BPD (untreated) they are enmeshed, even fused in some cases to a significant other, living through you. They, along with Narcissists, for different reasons, and Psychopaths for more complex reasons too, will project anything and everything you want/need them to see they are doing to you and are responsible for on to you. You get to be their "Bad Guy" so they don't have to take responsibility. They are very emotionally childlike. Those with BPD, NPD, or Psychopaths have no reference point for you, "other" only (the lack of) SELF = them. So what they do is instantly what they think you just did and in their view (Not in alignment with here-and-now reality, everything is your fault and you will be duly punished for it. Narcissists show delight in this.

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