Confused World, Hunger, Fakers, Dangerous Speakers - The Kidnapped Deal & Current Events

9 months ago

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00:48 intro
02:58 the way Palestinians operate
06:57 level of the leaders vs the level of the generation
12:05 parsha: Rivka turned to Shem for advice
17:37 when it's the parent's fault?
22:22 the father's blessing at his son's bar mitzva
25:46 the bus driver's story who took a soul and returned a soul
29:53 RUAH HAKODESH - holy spirit
30:41 one of the rules God made: Eisav will always hate Yisrael and Yishmael
34:35 Professor Daniel Hasidim, wrote books in Chinese language
35:39 China is allergic to islam
36:36 people have no human rights in China
38:23 what will arabs do if oil loses its value?
40:39 if the arabs die tomorrow nobody would miss them
43:58 why did Achashverosh killed his wife, Vashti?
50:18 why did the king threw out the queen?
52:06 a moment of wisdom saved the family's life
54:12 Eisav sonel Yakov
55:33 Hitler disliked 2 Jewish things: consciences, circumcision
58:27 when Eisav is mixed with Amalek
1:03:34 the only thing arabs would not sacrifice
1:05:35 the idiot who brought arabs back into East-Jerusalem
1:07:37 why there is a cancer inside Israel?
1:09:24 Betuel, Lavan, Rivka
1:12:12 if you count on a fake baba God withhelds his blessing
1:15:30 we respect the army but our life is not in their hand
1:17:34 the attackers came a few days earlier, thank God
1:19:35 MIRACLES in the Golf war
1:21:23 the BIGGEST miracle re gas station
1:23:43 arabs threw thousands of rocks and nobody died
1:26:22 Ramchal: 2 kinds of people
i) one lives in darkness and the other lives in darkness
ii) one found out today, the other still doesn't know he lives in darkness
1:27:36 Psychology of the Mind Series
• Psychology of the Mind Series
1:30:52 Rambam vs Rabbeinu Yona re REPENTANCE
1:35:35 joke
1:36:46 what if I don't understand how mitzvot work?
1:38:50 why was RIVKA RELIEVED that she carries 2 babies?
1:48:56 "religious" magazines AREN'T SUPERVISED BY A RABBI
1:53:18 embarrassing story of the baal tshuva and the kashrut
1:57:13 what was the 1st thing God said to Adam?
1:58:35 heretic speakers, Santa, his book published by YNET
2:00:31 the Jewish comedian gay guy and his husband
2:04:20 why do the lefties still support Hamas?
2:06:41 was Vashti good or wicked?
2:07:49 mixed dancing wedding
2:10:56 Torah: no blessing if wedding had mixed dancing
2:17:30 half truth is worse than a complete lie
2:19:04 R. Ezra Attiya (Porat Yosef yeshiva)
2:20:27 hunger at the time of: Adam, Lemech, Abraham, Yitzchak
2:28:29 differences between the nations vs the Jewish nation
2:31:00 what can we learn from a dog and a cat?
2:33:32 R. Ovadia Yosef re rooster and chicken
2:35:23 if you DON'T FEED YOUR SOUL FOR 90 YEARS
2:40:43 why does God call the secular people dead?
2:44:43 how do koser books look like?
2:45:40 not allowed to look at the face of heretics
2:47:10 Santa is 1 level above heresy
2:50:16 heretic chief rabbi of England: Adam and Eve was parabol, etc.
2:52:35 speaker with kippa doesn't believe that souls exist
2:55:22 the worth of people.

Confused World, Hunger, Fakers, Dangerous Speakers - The Kidnapped Deal & Current Events

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