Loss of Self - Enmeshment - The Parentified Child of BPD or NPD

8 years ago


It is important to recognize the parentified child if you have children with a partner with (untreated BPD) NPD, or who is a Sociopath or Psychopath. If you have divorced and are really hurting, are you still being a bounded parent to your child, teen, or even adult-child? Or, this may be something that happened to you in your childhood and you have all along been a parentified "child" and then adult-child and maybe not known what was fueling your anger, codependency, enmeshment, or other significant issues in your life. Please also watch my second video on this topic for more - Emotional Incest - Parentfified Children

http://phoenixrisingpublications.com (new Ebooks, Audios, Courses, coming soon (and some more in depth video)

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