Emotional Incest - Understanding the Parentified Child

8 years ago

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When a parent, often with Borderline Personality, Narcissistic Personality or who has Anti-Social Personality Disorder is lacking "Self" and is emotionally so immature that they seek to have their emotional needs, security, emotional soothing needs met by a child or children. This is known in the Mental Health profession as the Emotional Incest of a child - a parentified child. Often the personality disordered and/or alcoholic/substance abusing parent will require a child or children to listen to their never-ending complaints and feelings of being victimized. The parentification of children, and I was a parentified child and adult-child until my 30's, is seriously impacting upon their mental health and well-being. This may show up by teen years but the real cost of this role reversal that are violations of a child or teens (or even Adult-Child's) boundaries causes untold pain and relational difficulty, if not worked out in therapy, to the parentified children in adulthood.

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