Working With God Is a Romance

1 year ago

Working With God is Like a Romance

God’s Work Within Man

A contrast. Working with Satan is like living in nightmare.
"Nobody's Fault But Mine,"
Blind Willie Johnson
With vintage mug shots from McNeil Island Federal Penitentiary.

Pictures courtesy

November 10, 2014

Matthew 3:8

I want to lift out this one phrase
“Bring forth fruit meet for repentance” KJV

8So produce fruit that is consistent with repentance [demonstrating new behavior that proves a change of heart, and a conscious decision to turn away from sin];

Turn around AMERICA – All she has to do; is turn back to God. And America will begin to no produce

Its more than regret. God can’t use your sappy soul sick, woe is me. Go wash your face, put oil on your face.
Start acting like you’re Saved
If you can act like you’re right now
You can do right all the time now

The Stanley Brothers
Somebody Touched

God doesn’t need a soul sick sappy, tail between your legs Christ-men Christ-woman all pious looking nose up in the air.

God needs men and women who are radiant, who know their place next to the Throne of Power.

They have met with Jesus this morning and got their neck adjustment to bring their nose a little closer to the ground.
Oliver Anthony
Rich Man’s Gold
This man newly saved turned down an $8,000,000 recording contract.

He found the creators of an Event he was to be the lead attraction were going to charge $100.00 a ticket for attendees. He cancelled the Event because he said the average American audience couldn’t pay those prices.
I was newly saved, I recall praying one afternoon and a volume of swear words came out of my mouth. It’s how I talked when I worked on the construction site. I spent the next half hour apologizing and asking God to take the swear words out of my vocabulary.
I didn’t want to sound like the world any longer.

I recall a Christian Navy Seal visiting my house one day. (That’s a story in and of itself.)
I said. “What should I do next?”
He said. “Go out and tell the Gospel to whoever you meet.”

Ralph Stanley
Its Time To Wake

“I don’t know anything!” I said.

“Go out and tell what you know!”

And so I did, I told everyone I met. “I love Jesus.”

I got the strangest looks, but I didn’t care. I was telling the Gospel the best I knew. Even got strange looks from my Christian relatives.

I know I wore people out with “I love Jesus” but I didn’t care I was spreading the gospel the best I knew.

I recall talking to my Mother on an old fashioned phone hung on the wall. I was telling her of all of the changes my Wife was going through.
She didn’t smart-mouth back to me any longer. You have no idea how hard it was for a girl from New Jersey to stop with a flippant remark. We were actually getting along. She wanted to divorce me six months prior.

Before we got married, she was known as the bartender who decked a logger in one of the roughest bars in Enumclaw, Washington.

He was, of course very drunk, but the story stuck. “She’s mean, don’t mess with her, she’ll knock you down.”
And that’s the girl I married.
She never tried to knock me down but she sure had a sharp NJ tongue. We’ve had a lot of fun in our marriage. We traveled the world, fussed and fumed until we were both saved.

Our friends deserted us. We told them we were Christians now. We never saw them again.

One couple we had known for ten years said. “Well, I guess it can happen to the best of us.”

What am I talking about? I am talking about making fruit meet for repentance.

So, I went to the owner of the big dairy I worked at, I told him I stole some money from him. He asked, how much? I believed it was about $40 on the back deck, selling manure, at about $10 a truckload. I offered to pay him. He told me to me to keep it.
I figured the Lord paid me for doing the right thing.

I found out later the tire man stealing new truck tires and selling them for about half price up at the truck stop to truckers traveling through. One-hundred percent profit for him and one-hundred percent loss for the Smith Brothers Dairy and Equipment. His brother and he had a John Deere dealership in Tacoma Washington.

Well, glory be to God I had Jesus as my best friend. I went around town making restitutions, making apologies where I could.

I owed $200.00 for a hospital treatment that proved nothing. In my way of thinking, I got nothing, I’ll pay nothing.

So I was making my paths straight. I called up accounts receivable. I asked? How to make it square.

“Mr. Brozme, we can’t find where you owe us anything.⁉️”

I said to her. “I am trying to make things right!!

She said, something very wise to me.
“Then, you are forgiven of your debt. Don’t do it again❗️

I’ve got a kick out of that yeas!

I was driving truck, I’d be crying while I was driving down the road. I was unburdening my soul. Nobody told me to do it. I was making my paths straight paths.

I had a half-Jew wife and a half-iron worker wife. Money stuck to her hands like she was a Proverbs 31 wife.

I can really trust her, she’s always got money squirreled away, just like her Mom.

If she goes out the door with her friends, I’ll tell her. “Go Buy Honey!”

Then I’ll her new friend, their voices fading way, say to Wife. “What’d he say to you?”
We’ve had more fun with line that line for now nearly 45 years.

I really didn’t know her before we married. God knows what you need before you ask.

When I was younger my Mother and Father tried to extol the Christian values into our lives. When my Father and I went to the barnyard we spoke barnyard language. When we went up to the house we left the barnyard language in the barnyard. Mom and Grandma, didn’t care for that kind of language so much.

When Mom’s and Grandma’s relatives came over on Saturday afternoon to visit. You could tell they were all farmers by their tan faces and their white white brows from where their hats hung low on their brow to shade their eyes.

They all got on their knees, they made a point of praying for all our relatives strung out across Kansas. Some of them big wheat farmers, from the old country, and others, poor from the old countries.

The next portion is from How God Talks To Us. Something I wrote Awhile Back.

This maybe worthy to include in this portion of my story. Here printed out for you. Now, remember this is my story. You make repentance your way. You have satisfy Jesus, not me, not anyone else.
I recall the day God talked to me about my dog. The Lord is so wise!
I genuinely loved that dog. He was so beautifully marked and he had great lines for 90 pounds of pure power as a Doberman Pincher.
He had one problem, maybe I should have called it a propensity. He like to nip at anything or anyone who moved too quickly.
And if he felt like you may be a threat; he could do some real damage in just a few seconds or in just few minutes time he could make that many more puncture wounds.
The Spirit within spoke to me. “I want you to get rid of your dog, Guy.” That was the dog’s name. Guy Lombardo! Because that was the type of big band music I was into in those days.
I plead with the Spirit, who I recognized as Jesus. “Not my dog Lord, no no no please nooo!” I said out loud.

The year was 1982, there was a recession going on and I was working on a large family owned farming operation.
The company is independent and has a desire to be the best at farming equipment sales, Agra-farming in support of their dairy business, in milk and dairy products, sales, and distribution.
I was working on the edge of a plowed field. Most of the experience I had experience with God was on the edge of that field.
The field, ready to plant, may have some spiritual significance.
No one was within earshot for at least a mile.
I said out loud, half crying. “Not my dog, Lord. You know how much I love that dog.”
Then the Spirit of the God shocked me, because I would have never thought of what the Spirit said next.
He said. “You know, I went to the Cross for you! Can’t you give up one small thing for me?”
Certainly not my vision of the beginning of a romance with God.
The Beginning of All. The Word of our God’s creation. I knew so little about what it meant to live spirituality aware. I began to see the spiritual world that is occurring – we are experiencing around us every day.
I know, this may Not sound profound to you, but for me, in that hour, it broke me to my knees. “Yes, I will be willing to do as you please.” I was melted by Divine Love.
Soul Stirrers w/ Paul Foster
“Must Jesus Bear The Cross alone"
I didn’t realize then, what it was going to cost me to be a Christ-man. The many things I had to exchange for a Cross.
Until i became a living vessel for God to inhabit.
Have I always lived with perfect love?
My desire is to someday report a day of perfect love, for God, for myself and for my fellow hueman beings.
I am encouraged, Jesus continues to work with me, correct me, counsel me, comfort me.
It is a supreme privilege to have my own personal spiritual trainer on-board! The Holy Spirit of God!
As I have told you, in the beginning of these lectures I would not tell you how to live. I am merely relaying to you how God spoke and dealt with me. You would do well to follow this admonition. – I can report to you today. I feel I’m better off having taken the roughhewn way of Jesus.
I am such a hard head I had to have something harder than me to sharpen me, hone me, make me into a vessel of His making.

Proverbs 27:17
So you may imagine, for just a few minutes. I ran up against some pretty hard nuts to crack. The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. Don Juan would have called them “worthy opponents”.

Robert Johnson
Me And The Devil

Can we tell the potter what we’d prefer, yes, you may, but God will work-a-work within you, and through you that you may not have envisioned.

I was a cracked pot. And not much good for anyone or anything

When enough of us have our heads, hearts and hands lifted upwards. We will be ready for “the scare event” others have called it a Near Death Experience.

Anita Moorjani
Love Is Not A Luxury
Death Sentence or Wake Up Call

Uncle Buddy Robinson youtube
I apologize for the poor quality of the recording. It is what it is.Recorded in 1940 two years before his death.

Pushing up against the experience of trouble humbles you, makes you more forgiving of others faults and failings. Makes you sweeter, tender toward others’ feelings of frantic fear.
Well Hallelujah, we’re not staying here. The world is splitting.
We either get better or we are getting bitter, eh?

Until Then Lord
Soul Stirrers
Jesus Build A Fence Around Me


How’d I Get Over
Mahala Jackson
How Did I Get Over
By The Mighty Love and Grace Of God
God’s Grace: The unmerited favor of God. You didn’t deserve it, you can’t buy it, you can’t even work for it. But your Heavenly Father Delights to give you copious amounts, more than you can use. GRACE!

Timothy Lawton
Esther Bishop accompaniment
He’ll take you through

How Much Does God Loves Us?
John 3:16
Lecture and Exegesis’.

John 3:16

Now I want to talk about talk about something most of you have never heard of before
A vessel ready for Him
Romans 7:25-8:2

The Romans were experts in causing pain, a longing for death. As the Roman-NAZI’s are of our today.

Here is the picture Paul the Apostle is telling us about. A murdered man is placed face to face with you. Tied in front to you.

The dead man is rotting and bloating. Involuntary belching up gas and bile. His rotting flesh next to yours, rotting your flesh. Soon your body will be rotting and dying along with his.

My first assignment was to take the Gospel to the Utah Valley. A people of a similar customs, and habits but twist on religious practices.

Ezekiel 2:1-7

I think of the many pastors who go into the ministry with a rotting dead man strapped next to theirs. No wonder they are unsuccessful dragging around dead men’s flesh. They contaminate everything they touch. If you are not clean inside and out, the World will soon smell, the smell of death.

Something must be done. The Bible calls it the Old Man of Sin. Even giving us the picture, calling it the Carnal Nature.

The Wesleyans called the old man cure “the Sanctification of the spirit.” The Old time Baptists called it “the Second Salvation Experience. The old time Nazarenes called it the “Death of the Old Man and Alive Unto Christ.”

No matter what you call it is the same thing “Cleansed of the old of Man of Sin.”

We couldn’t rent a community room in Utah. We were offered the consolation “We’ve had trouble with your kind before.”

We came to be Salt and Light to a people mired in clay. Mired in man made laws, polygamy, the disappearance of young boys.
So many preachers move into a little town and then leave in the middle of the night; leaving bad debts behind for the church members to settle up.
Its about 11:30 Wednesday morning. My office desk rang.
“Mr. Brozme?” He said with a very official voice. No wonder preachers are universally hated.

“Yes?” I said.
“This is the American Fork police department. We’d like to talk to you about a crime committed in our community. Can you come down to talk to us sometime today.”

“I’ll be right down to talk to you.” I nervously said.

“Well, not right at the moment, but we can talk to you at 1:00 this afternoon. Okay?”

I readily agreed. After hanging up the phone on my desk. I began to go over in my mind what I may have done that would involve the police.

Then I cast around in my mind. I used to walk the streets praying for the souls who lived in the houses where; I would the next day, I would knock on every door. If no one answered the door I would leave a Christian tract, with my name, my church organization’s name and a telephone and address.

It was all pretty straightforward, I was trying to gain interest in the Christian religion and their concepts of spiritually.

I was very nicely dressed and carried my thick Thompson’s chain reference under my arm.

If a woman at home alone offered me coffee or tea. I would immediately ask; is the man of the household home?
No. But I would offer to come back at another time.

At one particular home, she offered me come in to talk.
“Ma’m, its not that I don’t trust you or I but the neighbors across the street may not understand my intentions.”

I ran through every situation where I may have offended someone.

I did rent a sign, four by five feet, with one of those arrows pointing right at the house I had rented. I told the owner why I had rented the house; to hold Christian services. The house I rented was just off of the off-ramp of I-15 into to American Fork.

“As long as you’re not selling drugs and drawing the attention of the police; we’ll get along just fine.” He said.

“Yes sir, I mean no sir. We don’t smoke, drink or chew or go with the girls who do.”
I tried to add levity to the situation, the haha moment fell, and nearly broke the concrete.

After calling my Supervisor in Boise; asking him to pray for us, as we’re in the belly of beast.

Praying with the Wife, I headed off to the town square where the police station is located.

I grew up in the middle of Kansas. A lot of little towns had a town center, where the courthouse, city offices and police station were all located.

I got just outside the police station at 12:30. I didn’t want to appear to overly anxious but the suspense was gnawing at the bottom of my stomach. I tentatively knocked at the door, hoping no one would be there.

The Sargent buzzed me in. I stated my purpose and asked if Detectives So-and-So and Such-and-Such were available. He indicated they would return at one o’clock. I tried to make small talk with the Sargent, but was pretty nonverbal.

Right at one o’clock the two detectives walked through the door; as if entering a stage.

They ushered me into an interrogation room. Where I sat down with one detective with his foot on one of the other two chairs in the room. The other detective read off to me of a 3x6 card.

You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?

I protested a little. I had seen enough cop shows on TV to know, when the cops were about to arrest you got the Miranda read to you.

“Am I under arrest, officer?”

“No, not yet, but we want to do this right.” The officer with his one foot on the chair said.

“What do you know of selling travel tour tickets to Israel?” The detective standing with his foot on the chair.

“I have never sold travel tickets to anyone, Sir, to go anywhere.”

“Well, you’re one of our main suspects. You sold twenty-five tickets to an Episcopal church in Tennessee for $25,750. You received $13,000 in an down payment. What, have you done with the money?”

“Sir, that is not the truth!” I retorted! “I have received a large sum of money from the sale of my home in Washington State from a title company. You may check my phone records to see if I made any calls to and from Tennessee.”

Those were the days when they had to get a court order to check your landline records. “I give you my authorization to fully check me out to find if I’m telling you the truth.”

“I’ll take under advisement.” The detective gruffly said.

Then and then only did I get it. The rousting me out of my house was a harassment call.

The Bishop of the local Ward House didn’t like my sign on the main drag into town, the hundreds of Christian tracts I had left around town or my presence in his Ward. All of the questions he had gotten from the Ward members was an embarrassment to him; how could this had happened on his watch?

John 15:18-27
I’m ok
I learned about the LDS Temple’s faith and leadership.
About the mind control, the pedophilia of children in the Ward House Boys and Girl Scouts clubs. The near drowning of children in the Ward House pool.
Instructors holding the children heads underwater. When the children were allowed to surface. The instructor would laugh to say. “See, Jesus isn’t coming to save you. You have only got the Saints to rely upon!”

One apologist of the Later Day Saints, called them the Islam of the West.

It was 1991, I was sickened to my inner core. I didn’t even know what the word pedophilia meant, but the rape and torture of pre-teen boys and girls twisted me on inside like nothing else I had ever heard.
- - -
You’ll have to die to the old man.
I’ll tell you what my hinge point was – I wanted to be liked by everyone. I had to give up the old man. I had to give-up what others thought of me.

If and when I know what is right, then that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I would not listen to a full house of the Presbytery, the General Assembly or a conclave of pope.

Let your thoughts dwell in moderation. Some wise men still say, out greatest asset may also turnout to be your greatest boon.

If you think well of me, great! If you think poorly of me. I will do as God directs me. PRAISE the Lord. I AM FREE. I AM FREE AT LAST.
Real Gene Decode
Gene Decode Introduces His Personal Jesus Christ Invocation For The World
Real Gene Decode
The Science of Prayer
In Utah everything on the surface; everyone and everything was very prim and proper. Underneath was a seething undercurrent of hate, not much different than underground of Rome in 0045 CE.

Romans 1:20-32

Even at that, 25 years later, I couldn’t believe how dense I was, not to know the entire world was made up of perverts like these.

Then one of members, in the our church at-large was accused. Then another, and yet more men, who were leaders in our small enclave.

That is why I am reluctant to name the denomination. It is not incumbent on me to bring condemnation. I know a few good men, yet within their ranks. I grieve with them.

Mississippi John McDowell
You Got To Move

Something I wrote earlier this year

I had aroused the beast of Utah, and didn’t even know how endangered and a target I had myself, and my dear wife too. I had kicked a hornet’s nest in the dark. (The Beehive is Utah State symbol,)

But such is the life of a sanctified man and woman in a very dark place. If you’re not as clean as a long whistle. Inwardly and outwardly the World is ready to chew you up.
If you’ve got an old dead corpse up against you, tHey will quickly find you out.

Dave Chappell

I haven’t the money nor the verve that Donald J Trump has; so I’ll sound off to as many as will listen to me.
TRUMP will eventually be the Solar Warden, he is destined to be, the Son of Man, who will gently rule over the humble Men of earth .
He is not Jesus the Saviour of the World. But the Son of Man, please read the many proofs I give over several videos.
Below is just one of them.
Oh children, some of you are not saved. Trying to be a Christ-Man a Christ-Woman without Jesus is torture.

You don’t have to do it like me, but you have to satisfy Jesus

Bring forth fruit meet for repentance. Ask God for Jesus sake to forgive you each one of your sins.

I know the Worldly Church asked you to say a little prayer.
Like the King of All of Worlds, is standing there with his hat in hand.
“Please please O’Sinner please accept me⁉️

When in reality we are to take Jesus on his terms. How frivolous the Worldly Church, Puts On A Show Every Week. Putting themselves above Jesus.

Some of you want to do something for Jesus sake but you’re dragging around an Old Dead Corpse strapped to you.

Bring your Pride, your Greed, seeking for Power through God’s Name.

It is not possible as long as you have an old reptile nature, the beast of Cain’s Nature tied around you face-to-face.
1John 2:1-2
Matthew 5:1-11
Especially versus 6-9

We’re getting close to the end of days. We all know it, even if you’re not spiritually minded. You know a change is in the air or era.

I just spent 15 days, in two segments, and a eight day, with about a 12 days interval, then another seven days back in the hospital.
Now I’m back on my third term back in the hospital for a total of 37 days hospitalized out of 60 days.

Don’t feel sorry for me, maybe pray for me, but never feel sorry for me.

It is the season of my life.
It is my lot, it is what God gave me for my life to find hurting people to lift-up. I have more to give. Hallelujah❗️

More opportunities to give, my price, is nothing. So what I’m saying is I’m not going to turn out another episode right away. Please be patient with me.

What I saw in the hospital is a lot of hurting doctors and nurses. You thought I was going to say, people.

What I saw were the hopes and dreams of nurses who wanted to help huemanity, yes I spelled that correctly.

What they ended up doing is helping, are helping complaining soul life sucking old people, who have nothing to give, if they ever had anything to give.

If you know a healthcare worker, give them something of value of yourself.
You have to ask God what that may be. Oh no no no, it’s not my job to tell what to do.

There are two kinds of people in this world. GIVERS & taKErs

Please pray for Dr Samuel Bairu.

He a from Ethiopia. He figures he needs $50,000,000 to start 50 hospitals in his in his native country.

I gave him a source, that I had come across, who are looking for humanitarian projects, of that size, to serve others around the world.

Pray he will prove worthy, in God’s eyes, that he would have that much; he would have that much sanctified love to give away.

The World is a terrible place. What gets many good men are one or more than one of these SEX, MONEY and POWER❗️
Pray for him first spiritually, then, that he will receive the funds he needs.
SG sits down with Capt Kyle and Kelly for a US/Australian Roundtable w/ Bosi, Guru, Maj Freddy and Gene Decode. The group discussed latest updates and possibilities of what to expect in the near future.
Probably one of the best discussions on dimensions and which is God’s Kingdom. (Near the end)
And so much much more esoteric-spiritual discussions!
In my opinion worth every bit of your time.

Gene Decode HUGE Intel 11-09-2023
Excellent discussion with Rosanne Barr about DUMBs and off planet travel. Excellent discussion about 3rd Race Beings.
Jetson White
Flashes & Fleets
Jetson and Nancy team up to give an exclusive report on what's happening up in the heavens and the technology being used to film it.

NOTE: After a lifetime of ministry and service, Tom Horn passed away on Friday, October 20, 2023. He is featured in this report.
Tom Horn's Site:

Sungate Flip Report

Rapture Event Recap

The Trump Time Travel Miracle YouTube Playlist

Space-Time Cowboy Report

NASA Web Portal

Remember, I won’t be back for awhile. I’m still pretty ugly sick.
God Supported

Anthony Oliver
Rich Men North Of Richmond

I’ll be back soon though . God willing!
Love one another as Christ for Jesus sake has loved us!
I have several weeks of recovery in front of me.


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