Narcissistic Abuse: Anger, Rage, Judging, Facts. vs Opinions and Safety Here

8 years ago How To Donate & support my work on this channel

This video was inspired by a person who commented on my Video, "Borderlines Know What they are doing - Just Malicious & Mean Right?" and while I respect their pain and anger, had obvious statements and Bible quotes with in accuracy and absent facts that required my responding with what they put across as "fact" that isn't accurately factual. My mandate here on this channel is to provide a safe commenting and video watching experience. It matters greatly to me that people can express their experiences, their pain and anger - anything they want to express - and that no one is abused in sharing comments or having their comments responded to. So I decided to talk about this in a video. I hope this helps convey my compassion and empathy for all and my belief that misrepresenting incorrect information (Not talking about people's experiences) as fact is important to correct to give everyone an opportunity to think about what they think, feel, or believe. You may well not agree with me, That's cool. I don't fancy myself a "Guru". I just want to have an educational, compassionate, and empathic channel that helps people to see the pitfalls of incorrect information as well as getting stuck in too much anger, vilifying of your abuser and the like after a period of time, for each person, in which that is a part of the process. If one gets stuck in vilifying, putting their energy onto the abuser by judging them evil or running all Clluster B personality disorders together as the same - opinions can vary - my concern is to keep putting out the awareness of how people get stuck and hurt themselves with too much focus for too long on the abuser at all let alone whether or not they are "evil" or inhuman and so forth.

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