Cindy Lou and myself have a message for you

1 year ago

to the stupid customer who's from Chicago that is now in Yuma that asked Superior awning to tear down their s*** and put up new stuff yeah just cuz they tore down doesn't mean they're going to replace it. you asked for your awning to be torn down. if you want your roller shades you should have taken them off the awning beforehand. but no you want to be that Democratic prick from Chicago. I'll tell you what y'all are dumb cuz it's called chiraq. what the f*** you think they call it that for? cuz it's peaceful whatever... they are there to take down an awning whatever is attached to it comes down do you understand this? and if you don't look at your itemized receipt. can't you read? probably not you're a Democrat. Thomas The driven white snow up my ass.

how God damn dumb can you be to not know what the f*** you're paying for? it's really funny because you'll do it inconvenience store over a couple of cents but a couple hundred dollars over a home repair you won't look at it once let alone twice! you people are stupid this is why you make the dumb purchases you do this is probably why we're in a deficit in fact I know it is. you see Democrats just think that money grows on trees and that we the people are your f****** piggy bank will know we're not. what I am is the wild pig that will take my horns upon my face and shove them up your ass and tell you get the f*** out. it's okay when you spend all the people's money on other people isn't it? no it is not. and you're going to find that out the hard way my FRIEND... and I mean that with all the beautiful fire that one can say when saying friend sarcastically you have been warned. stupid people piss me off. I should really have a tattoo on my head that whole phrase in fact I think I will. f*** it everyone else is doing it. tattoo in their faces with teardrops and guns and some stupid s*** put in script trying to make it look all fancy and crap. no. you want to know what I'm going to do? I'm going to put in bold times New Roman italicized and double underlined stupid people piss me off! you have been f****** warned!!

Jesus Christ now I know why the hell is homicide and suicide. you either can take them out or you can't take it anymore

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