Puzzled About Revelation, Part 69: The Bridegroom of Blood (Rev. 19:10-21)

1 year ago

When you think of a wedding, what comes to mind? A bride dressed beautifully for her husband? A bridegroom dressed handsomely for his bride? A great feast of fine foods? A beautiful location?
What about a wedding taking place in a warzone? A bridegroom dressed in blood-stained clothing? Or birds of prey feasting on the flesh of the slain? This doesn't sound like any wedding you may have witnessed before, but this is the picture the Scriptures paint of the coming "Bridegroom of Blood" to deliver His Bride and defeat His enemies at the Great Supper of God!
As always, we will search the Scriptures for the answers to this much-longed for event by the saints of God! Maranatha!

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