All T.Carlson Vids From A Fellow Anon..

10 months ago

Tucker Carlson - The CIA Since WW2 Routinely Leaves Sitting Presidents out of UFO and JFK Assassination Briefings 👀

“I know this for a fact, that the sitting president of the United States – there have been, of course, 40-odd – since the Second World War have routinely been left out of briefings on the two big programs that I know about.

One is the UFO stuff, where there's a lot of evidence the U.S. government has had direct contact, maybe even negotiations, with whatever these forces are.

That's real, But I know for a fact that presidents have not been briefed on that.

Two is the Kennedy assassination, in which the CIA was implicated. Not the whole CIA, but the operations directorate under Angleton of – yeah, had a role in that. That's just true.

And I know for a fact that there have been a number of presidents - Richard Nixon famously on tape asked the CIA director about that. And he said, I think the CIA was involved in killing John, quote. And they did not respond. They did not brief him.

And instead, they set in motion the wheels of Watergate, which had him out of office in less than a year.

So like that's not a democracy. That's an oligarchy by unelected spies. And there's nothing scarier than that.”

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