Dry Brine vs Wet Brine Brisket? | Tuesday Chat Ep 102

5 years ago

I answer viewer questions in this Q&A Tuesday Chat Vlog.
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Questions asked on this episode:

Roy Greenhaw
2:00 Hey T-Roy I love your channel and I watch it every time you post videos or live chat, but I just wanted to know if you are interested in doing a smoked bologna video?

Wes G
2:34 Woo Pig T-Roy all the way from Arkansas!

I’ve got a question for ya. I’m thinking about ordering the Oklahoma Joe Longhorn Side box smoker also and the specs look similar to your Yoder Wichita except smaller. What do you think of Oklahoma Joe products before I invest another $500 into them?
Also, What thickness of steel would you use on an offset and, in your opinion, should I build a cabinet smoker or side box?

Skinners Farms
7:05 Do you ever add onion powder to your SPG mix on beef or pork?

Shawn Matsuda
8:06 Have you ever tried dry or wet brining, a brisket before smoking?

9:39 Hi Troy, love the chats (live and recorded)! Do you really need to spritz the meat in a WSM? Doesn't the water pan already ensure there is enough moisture?

Stacy Holland
10:48 Hey T-Roy. Love your videos. My question is, I just got a webber kettle I've been doing some offset cooking and grilling. I want to attempt a brisket but I don't think I've figured out temp control quite yet can you give me some tips?

14:32 Hey T-Roy great video. I’ve been smoking meat for a few years now on an old school pit (concrete blocks and plywood, build a fire and shovel coals) and a Weber kettle. Got me a cheap smoker (dynaglo) as a gift. And it does ok. The old block smoker tastes better in my opinion. Any thoughts? No briquettes, wood only!

Daniel Hawkins
16:40 Hey T-Roy cheers. I have a Oklahoma Joe off set smoker with gas combo grill. Question, sometimes the food taste too much like smoke, any advice?

Harold Robinson
19:31 T-Roy! You are my inspiration! I got a 14 inch WSM, in January and totally enjoy it. My question is, would I benifit more from upgrading to a larger WSM, or step up to an offset, or maybe a pellet smoker?

Bark N Bite BBQ
23:06 Hey T Roy! Cheers To Ya!!! I’m getting ready to build an offender with a 500 gallon tank. How do I figure how long the stack should be? If you don’t know for sure, who can I ask? Thanks. Keep on cookin!

Nikki D's Kitchen
25:19 Been wanting to start my own YT cooking channel. You aspired me to do so. I like your style. But I want to do both cooking in the kitchen and the backyard. What advice would you give for me to be successful on YouTube? Should I stick to in house or outside or a combination of the two? Or keep it one focus? Your thoughts?

Christine Mickelson
29:06 I have stick burner and barrel now. My LSG meat tastes like fine wine. The smoke/meat flavor is smooth and clean. The meat on my Barrel House tastes like the greasy corner diner grill hasn't been cleaned in forever even on my brand new barrel. It is still a savory flavor from the Barrel House and not disagreeable at all. It just hits your taste buds harder and heavier than the offset.


YouTube Channels Mentioned:

Baby Back Maniac

Skinners Farms

Adrenaline Barbecue Company


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Products mentioned

Pit Barrel Cooker:

Slow 'N Sear:

BB & J Designs (Yeti Rambler Hand Painted)


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T-ROY COOKS Theme song is owned & Copyrighted by Troy Smith. Use is forbidden without prior consent from Troy Smith.
Written by: Troy Smith and Nick Tornatore
Performed by: Nick Tornatore

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