1 year ago

Hey this is lukus welcome back to the channel. I'm not sure that anyone understands what is actually taking place now with the great reboot. We are not talking about just the end of dollar as the world reserve currency, maybe people having to drive electric cars because of climate change or the BRICS nations taking the lead on the world stage.

We are talking about something so much bigger that most wont be able to comprehend it. We are talking about the total change in how human civilization exists.
Everything we know from the way we grow and eat food, gather and drink water, how and where we live, how we travel, how we are born and how we die, our religion, our money, work and how and where we get information will be totally wiped away and forgotten. Everyone will be brainwashed, forced or bred into having every need provided to them by a global cabal of corporations and a few elite. Imagine everything thing you know being completely erased. We are headed towards another dark age

Right now we can see all these small changes happening everywhere. It seems like everyday there is a hundred things that happen that never used to happen 5 or 10 years ago. In order to change the way society exists it has to happen slowly over a period of years. If it was overnight it would be too much of a change and society would not accept it.

Now how long this takes is another story - will it take 5 or years or 30 years? who knows but we are seeing the seeds being planted for what is to come.

Right now we are seeing the immergence of a top down, government and corporate fuedlism imposed on the people that could have the population face another dark age.

The first topic that i want to talk about is food agriculture and nutrition - so why is food and nutrition being attacked? For a multitude of reasons i believe - the elite always have multiple motivations with every policiy they set forward. After all they have had plenty of time to think about the "reboot"- they have been planning it for decades - they just never the technology to achieve their goals until now.

#China #taiwan #worldeconomicforum #smartcity #nwo #technology #ai #qrcode #klausschwab #brics #climatechange #2030 #agenda2030 #smartcity #depopulation #carboncredit #cbdc

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