No Smoke on WSM after 2 hrs? Add More Wood? | Ep 88

6 years ago

Join me as I answer your cooking questions on this Tuesday Chat. Click "Show More" below for the questions!

Questions Ep 88

Hey T-Roy, have you ever had a problem with meat tasting bland/ flavorless after smoking them? I cooked up a couple of lamb shoulders with usual mustard then dry rub. After 7 hours I could only taste salt on the crust (which was my fault, too much salt) and the meat had no taste what so ever.
Thank you keep up with the great videos?!

Mike Warren
Hey T-Roy! Do you have any experience with the different lines of briquettes Kingsford has? i.e. the Professional or Long Burning briquettes? Keep these vids coming and of course...Cheers to ya!?

Ben Hall
T-Roy! The beard is looking mighty powerful, brother!
My doctor told me to get off red meat so I've been cooking the heck out of some chicken and pork lately, and I think it's time I man up and learn to cook fish. What kind of fish works best on a smoker?

Simon Guerrero
Troy cheers ! You mentioned that you use salt and pepper on your briskets. Is this your go to rub for briskets. I know in Texas that is a very popular mix. Especially in the hill country. I'm going to try it next smoke. Will there be distinct taste difference as opposed to a traditional bbq rub. Also do you ever marinate or inject them. I sometimes like to inject 5-6 hours into the cook with a 1/3 cup of water 1/3 cup of olive oil 1/3 of cider vinegar. I mix the three together and inject. Keeps the meat moist and adds flavor as well thanks again keep'em coming?.

hey troy thx for all the great vids... I was wondering.. if I'm smoking on the smoky mountain the chunks stop smoking after a couple hrs. if you're doing brisket do u add more chunks throughout the cook to keep constant smoke or just let it do its thing??

David Parkes
Great Q&A as always Troy, I know you've shown us individually the gear you use for making videos, is there any chance of one time when doing a cook that you can do a ì behind the scenes so we can see how you set up camera, lights and mics for shooting. cheers and thanks again.?

Dqued Barbeque
Hey Troy that beard is looking pretty impressive my friend. So I've been seeing some deals on the 14.5 inch Weber smoky mountain in my area and I've been thinking about picking one up to play with because of that. My question is do you think that size of Smokey Mountain is even worth my time or is it more of a novelty thing? Cheers brother.?

Hey troy, Tom from Massachusetts here.just subscribed to your channel. THANKS for all your info, it has helped me a lot. I have 2 gas vertical smokers that I have been using for years. I was given an offset smoker as a retirement gift from my job. My question is "if I just use charcoal and no wood will the charcoal give the meat a funny flavor before it is completely burning?" CHEERS!

Troy Another great Thursday chat. Brown Sugar. Good to use in Rubs or bad to use in Rubs? Should it go on just before placing meat in smoker or at the end? Does it pull moisture out of meat if left on overnight? Cheers

Joseph Costa
Hey T-Roy!! Cheers Man!! Have learned a great deal from your videos. Thank you! Question for you - Would you consider adding a Pellet Grill (ex: YS640) to your arsenal??

Hilbert Grievink
Hi Troy, thanks for another great Thursday chat! I just bought myself some Smokewood 'old whiskey barrel' wood chunks? Have you ever tried something like that or know if it really adds extra flavor? They sure smell great! Cheers Hilbert.?

Elton's BBQ-pit
Hey Troy! Question; Since you have southern roots, have you ever made BBQ spaghetti or do you have a good recipe for it? Cheers brother!?

Damien Johnson
Good to see another Thursday chat video from you T-Roy. I've been pretty busy here so I haven't had time to watch all your stuff. I do have a question for ya to answer for a future video: Where do you get the idea of naming your Thursday chat videos??

1984 BBQ
Hi Troy my name is john . my question is i have a weber kettle 22in ,i was thinking of doing a brisket on there using my slow n sear. any good tip's for me ? cheer's Brother?

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