🔵Federal Color of Title act. How the feds have tried to change Allodial title into a fee. 2021-08-21

1 year ago

🔵Federal Color of Title act. A look into how the feds have tried to change Allodial title into a fee. 2021-08-21 There are two kinds of ownership of land, Allodial and by fee. A fee is where you only may use the land by the permission of the landlord and Allodial is where you have absolute title and pay nothing to anyone for any reason for you own the land and all that is above and below it, outright and completely. You can build what you want, mine for what you want, damn what you want and use that land the way you want without ANY interference from any goverment or man.

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🌳 "The Natural Liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the authority of man, but only to have the Law of Nature for his rule." ~John Locke

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