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Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 2 of 4
***A Great One*** ***One of my TOP 10***
I have divided this into 4 Parts
LINKS to all 4:
***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 1 of 4
***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 2 of 4
***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 3 of 4
***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 4 of 4
***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 1 of 4 --
PART II – Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006
1:08:55 – 1:10:48 -- Tsunamis and Yellowstone Super Caldera – the thing that will trigger it off is the approach of a hyper-dense object – Planet x. Why are they building underground bases very quickly now? They know a catastrophe is coming. They had technology in the 1990’s that could tunnel 7 miles a day through hard rock with high energy impact lasers that will blow the nanosize particles of rock so there was no debris left, forming an obsidian like core. They have huge underground cities with trains that travel from city to city. There are 132 cities that average about 6 cubic miles and are about 2 to 4 miles under the ground. Most of them built away from geotechtonic areas. With the Earth events coming, nothing is a guarantee.
1:10:48 – 1:11:15 -- Where is the Money coming from to build these massive cities, tunnels and railroads? From the sale of Drugs. In the USA there is $500 Billion in drug sales that go to underground operations.
1:11:15 – 1:11:45 -- Spacecraft Technology – they have spacecrafts that can travel faster than light and are used to go the bases on the moon and mars. They use the Aurora Spacecrafts to travel to the moon and mars and these are considered Model T’s. So the Fighter Jets we see in our Military is just for show, simply to maintain the Illusion of the Fake World they have made for us. There are basically two separate civilizations on this planet and one of them lives in a prison – that would be us, the non-elite. The technology they have can heal almost all diseases but they definitely do not want us to know or anywhere near it. We are goyim, we are chattel to them, we are there slaves but the time is here now that they no longer need or want us so they are working very hard on decreasing the population down to around 500 million.
1:11:45 – 1:12:15 -- Project Omega – is an underground facility in Colorado that was finished by George Bush Sr. This facility over sees ALL other intelligent facilities – MI6, CIA, Mossad, FBI – all of them. It is run by both human and non-humans.
1:12:15 – 1:13:10 -- The World Trade Organization – Chronic Waste Disease – designed to make us disabled so we couldn’t survive if faced with any type of catastrophe.
1:13:10 – Food Control – they plan on controlling all the food. They want to grow food indoors in 90 stories high, half a mile long and two miles wide that will grow all the food. Synthetic simulated GMO meats will be grown on rollers and fruit grown on hydroponics with cell cultures using advanced stem cell technologies. There will be no more trees or animals. They want everything Genetically Modified, including the people.
1:13:52 – 1:15:45 -- I-35 Can-Am-Mex Transportation Corridor – 10 mile right away with iminent domain where they can seize property and they also a right 200 feet below ground – for subways, gas lines, cables, water, sewers, electric, mail, etc. They are going to create a smart highway system in America and link it to everything. You will not be able to go off their roads and they plan on setting up walls to literally allow the Buffalo roam. From everything I have seen about this, I believe this was a 2050 objective. They are seriously Genetically Engineering Dinosaurs, just like Jerrasic Park. Everything will be tracked inside your vehicle with the satellite system placed in new vehicles. They will be able to control your car and if they don’t like what you are doing they literally make your car go over the cliff. You think this isn’t true? Bill said they were planning this back in 2007 and just last week, November 14, 2023 Congress Mandated Vehicle Kill Switches -- – it may be 16 years later, but they are still going forward with their agenda in full force. They want total control of every single thing you can possibly do and they want to know what you are doing and even thinking all of the time.
1:15:45 – 1:17:40 --- FTAA – Free Trade Area of the Americas – they want to tie in all the currencies of the world to one currency, Bill didn’t know what one at the time, but it has been decided that will be the Yuan for their NWO – One World Order.
1:17:40 – 1:19:00 -- Administrative Rendition to Whistleblowers – Medical Physicians can have their licensed removed it they choose not to play ball with the evil ones. Licenses go back to the mercantilism of the Royals. People don’t understand that the United States of America has been under the control of the Queen, we just were never told – they have secretly been controlling and running America underground. The Crown is NOT the Queen, but the crown is a mile square area in London City and is the most powerful single financial capital in the world and it is directly under control of the Jesuits – The Order of the Black Sun. The Crown – all legal associations on the planet belong to the BAR which is the British Authorized Registry, which is slightly higher than a Gentleman and slightly lower than a Lord. So if you are a lawyer, like most politicians in the world are and you belong to the BAR, you happen to belong to the Power of the Crown and they are DIRECTLY under the control of the Jesuit General. The book “Vatican Assassins” covers this with Eric Jon Phelps. The governments are making this book disappear, so better find a copy soon. I found the PDF here -- They are trying to get rid of ALL the Truth Telling Books as they want NO truth in the New World Order.
1:19:00 – 1:22:15 --What should we be doing to Prepare? Have guns, make sure you have a good storage of Foods, Get high Antioxidant supplements, Super Silver – Colloidal Silver, learn how. to make non-lethal type little devices. If there is any type of National Code Red Emergency declared, FEMA will close ALL National Freeways and they will PURPOSELY shut down the Electric Grid in both Canada and the United States. You will need generators and solar. You will not be able to go further than ONE tank of gas as gas stations will be shut down. They want to trap everyone and quarantine them, so you will need food and good water. Bill says at some point they really plan on doing this. If they did this Code Red and shut everything down and cut all services, they estimated that more than half the population of the United States of America would be dead in 30 days. Remember, when Flynn said “Done in 30?” All of this without War or Famine. You will need Heritage Seeds, Can and Dry Foods, Gardening and Greenhouse materials, you will need to have a Neighborhood watch and your worst enemy is your neighbor who is not prepared.
1:22:15 – 1:23:30 -- Pre-Placed Nukes in at least 22 Cities – Dr. Deagle says that all his NSA and above Gov contacts have one story in common and that is that they have pre-placed Nukes in at least 22 cities. The evil ones are being trained under Mossad and Russian to service these nukes once a month. LA is one of the cities Bill says.
1:23:30 – 1:27:40 -- Other Supplies you will need: Dressings, Sutures, First Aid Emergency Kits, Herbal Medicines to last 3 to 6 months minimum, Radiation Detectors – RadDetect is a good one for all 4 types of radiation, Morse Code Books, Walkie Talkies, Mirrors, Potassium Iodide, They will need 3 to 6 months of medicines / insulin for diabetics. Dr. Bill Deagle said he thought they would nuke a city back in 2007 as they want to do everything to declare Martial law and condition us into FEMA quarantine camps, even if it is just for two weeks. Well, fast forward to 2020 and they did this for their Covid plandemic in Australia. If you do not FLEE at the first signs and you are in a big city, you will be trapped. The nazis will come and get you, just like Germany, separate you from your family and so on. They will have double perimeters made around the cities and then they will have a force 30 miles outside and anyone trying to escape the city will be shot and killed. Why? There excuse is that they could be carrying a baby nuke in their vehicle. It is all about conditioning us to believe they are doing this for the best of all of us, which is completely 100% Bullshit. Check another Audio Podcast that Bill did on April 10, 2020 at
1:27:40 – 1:28:50 -- Super Soldiers – they are creating super soldiers, they actually did this back in Gulf War I, one guy put on SIX Inches in Height and 100lbs of weight in just 6 months.
1:28:50 – 1:30:10 -- Color Coded – they already had most people color coded and now they are tracking us through the Internet with their CIA controlled Facebook, Youtube, Bitchute and Rumble. Are you are on the Naughty List? It doesn’t matter if you are poor or rich, they will take what you have and dispose of you if you are against their New World Order. If people do not become privy of this information it is the end of our planet. So share the hell out of this. We need to wake up now or Bill says we are all going to die together. Where we go one we go all. Live or Die.
1:30:10 – 1:31:00 -- Dr. Bill Deagle has a couple of websites -- and main one right now is – you can find an archive of his podcasts here also.
1:30:19 – 1:37:05 -- Technologies of the Electronic Cage – The Change Shapers – everyone follows their lead just like obedient little sheep. Most people have conscious levels that are slightly higher than cockroaches and bacteria. Yes, they may be intelligent as f*ck, but conscious to what is going on… NO. There are 4 Main Technologies: 1. Mind Control and Influencing – this goes back to hypnotism in the 1940’s, Nazi Scientists. Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron was a pioneer in mind control, where they could completely wipe out the memory and reprogram a person 2. Biometric Tracking RFID Chips – active tracking from space. Falcon Air Force Base in Colorado Springs does this and this is the most secure military base on the plant with 300 levels of security. 3. Nanotechnologies and Genetics -- they want to alter your genetics with food and medicines. 4. Quantum Computing
1:37:05 – 1:38:05 -- Biometric ID – your data will be constantly on a database and will also be on a card and can be read by the reader. Bill was told this back in 1998. There will be 3 codes and each code will begin with 6’s. The first 6 will be where you are on the planet. The second would be your age. The third would a number based on your Genetic Sub-type based on your DNA Haplotype for Transplantation. So based on your numbers they can know IMMEDIATELY if your organs can be taken and transplanted to someone else. Kind of scary thinking how far the global elite would take this. Bill says that China is the most favorite Satanic Nation on the planet.
1:38:05 – 1:40:00 -- Quantum Computing – Big Blue – is one supercomputer but they have them much more powerful, the powerful ones have to be kept at -200 degrees kelvin, which is about -820 Fahrenheit. These can do array modeling of your brain. They want to make a Cybernetic Model of EVERY Living thing of every person, every building, every road, every vehicle to create a duplicate of Earth, now they are doing everything and calling it the Metaverse – a virtual reality of everything. They had to less than 1 cm of everything on the planet in 2006. They want to put tracking nanodevices in everything, even in your pills.
1:40:00 – 1:41:45 -- Predictive Modeling – they are using these Supercomputers to predict the future of what people will do if they do or if they do that to them. This is how they write their narratives so they basically know the outcomes our behavior or the outcomes of our health if they get a number of people or children taking specific vaccines. They do have a problem with this though. They have dumbed the population down so much that they cannot predict the response of who will bolt when they shake the tree. They are especially scared of the military bolting.
1:41:45 – 1:42:20 -- They are placing infertility agents in our food, water and medicines so we will not be able to reproduce as they want to control this 100% in the Laboratories. All humans will be engineered in a lab. Any defected human will be killed. The elite will engineer the slaves to die like light bulbs. That will track everyone from the moment they create you till the second they engineer you to die and they will be able to read your thoughts in the meantime, as they already had this technology when Dr. Bill gave this speech back in 2006.
1:42:20 – 1:42:50 -- Bio-Coded Signals – combing them with technology like beamed microwaves, which will allow them to directly control your body and influence it to behave the way they want – thoughts and physical movements.
1:42:50 – 1:44:10 -- Stages of the MATRIX – Multiple AddressableTrackable Recovery Exchange – 1. National ID Passports 2. Implantable ID 3. Brain Interface Chip What is that good white hat, Elon Musk working on now at Neural Link? Wake the hell up, the guy is one of their evil Satanic Puppets. Dr. Deagle said this stuff 17 – 25 years ago and now we can OPENLY see it. Only a fool would dismiss what this guy is saying. Bill says “George 107” I didn’t catch what he said but the 107 caught my attention – Juan 07 or 107? Hmm?
1:44:10 – 1:45:10 -- TERROR EVENT – they want to create a massive worldwide Terror Event or Scare Event to bring all this New World Order bullshit in. Bill says he thinks they want to create a War. Fast forward 17 years and what is going on right now? Ukraine War and now the Israel – Hamas – Palestine crap. They also like “Natural Disasters” like Earthquakes and Tsunami’s. They like Climate Change and they like Oil crisis. They like Financial Crisis. They like Food crisis. They like World Health Crisis. Is this not what we are seeing?
1:45:10 – 1:45:35 -- Helium 3 – Dr. Bill Deagle says they are mining Helium 3 right now on the Moon and that is used for Fusion Engines which they have already, had them for decades used for Interstellar Travels. They don’t want us to know that they are doing all this and that they are keeping this technology secret. They want us believing that the fighter jets and Elon’s bullshit rocket and his worthless electric cars are the best we have on this planet. NOPE. They play war games, but they are with our son’s and daughter’s and real lives are at stake. We are stuck inside a fish bowl as they want us to believe the Earth is flat with a firmament that cannot be penetrated. That is why they call it the Matrix. We are so dumbed down we don’t even realize the other civilization right here with us who control us and have technology that could heal us from the poisons they drown us in
1:45:35 – 1:45:50 -- RFID Chips in Passports and in our Vaccines. Yes, this is possible. They developed this technology at the University of Texas in Austin that is 1/20th the width of a human hair that can measured at 20 to 30 cm from the body. This was about 20 years ago so that tech has likely improved.
1:45:50 –1:47:00 -- Quarantined and Color Coded – they want a Virtual Model of what you know and then they want to control all your experiences and especially what you are learning – they want to completely control what education we receive. YOU are ALREADY in this Virtual World that they built on the Quantum Computer. Mind Blowing. Kapoww!
1:47:00 – 1:48:22 -- Genetically Engineered Chimeric Cyborgs – they succeeded in Cloning Super Soldiers in 1982 at the Moscow Institute for Biological Research, with American, Russian and other scientists. The Nazis have been mastering cloning since 1927 with Russian Women being the Hosts. Wow, the dark side tried recruiting Dr. Deagle to help rewire prisoners brains in 1977 – just listen to this incredible technology they were working with back then. It seems futuristic in 2023, incredible. Dr. Delgado researched scalar energy in which they can remote control you with NO need of any implants.
1:48:22 – 1:49:41 -- Pineal Gland – the Silver Cord that is responsible for our Spiritual Connections. They are spraying in chemtrails in attempt to calcify the pineal gland to disconnect our spirit body with the physical body. At the very least they want to significantly interfere. They know we will not be a trheat if we have no spiritual connections.
1:49:41 – They want to insert thoughts and program you.
1:50:40 – 1:51:00 -- The vaccines they are injecting can change who you and what you are.
1:51:00 – 1:51:45 -- The Assault on Consciousness – they want to transform our genes so we live very short lives while elite live a 1,000 years. They want to transition us to the Hive mind.
1:51:45 – 1:53:40 -- Global Action Plan – we are in a battle to save our consciousness.
1:57:10 – 1:57:45 -- Morgellons – is a silicon based life form that did not originate in our part of the Galaxy.
1:57:45 – 2:03: 45 -- Pendar – Dr. Bill Deagle said he could have been the Darth Vader of this planet as he has been petitioned by the Pendar to his understudy. The Pendar runs everything. The Pendar runs the Corporation. The WHOLE Corporation. Kim Goguen explains the Hierarchy of the Order and goes over the Pendar roles. Bill says “I could have been a very Evil man., but I chose to go towards the light, not the darkness” We are facing the end of Civilization with Scalar Technologies, Nuclear Nano-Technologies and even Technologies that were given to us from somewhere else in this Cosmos that have no business being here, like Morgellons. We are not just dealing with a problem on this planet. The world leaders are not telling the people about this.
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