High Functioning and Low Functioning Borderline Personality

5 years ago

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A comprehensive fact-based look at the difference between high functioning and low functioning borderlines. Misinformation being generated on this subject as well as the stigmatizing pathologizing and incorrect information others are putting out on this topic. I'm sure there are others who have been more accurate than not but I didn't find those videos or blogs.

I'm not pointing fingers but it is rather confusing as to how misinformation that is not based in any proof could be put forward on this topic in such as a way as to make it clear as mud.

To my knowledge there is nothing accurate about "Malignant BPD" and too many people are continuing to forward their personal bias and pain and anger etc. to say inaccurately that people with BPD are worse than Narcissists or are the same as narcissists and now many are saying people with BPD are the same as psychopaths.

This idea also of multi-morbid personality disorders in individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, is getting beyond ludicrous. Meaning that if someone has so many other things or specific other diagnoses, then BPD would be a misdiagnosis.

But still too many forward this idea of endless multi-morbidity and I would say, it's not accurate, doesn't make sense, and it helps no one.

Borderline Personality Disorder has long needed an entire name change across the world, not just in parts of the world. It needs to be taken out of the hands of "psychiatry" the pathologizing factory that it is and looked at in an entirely different paradigm.

I am passionate about this. People with BPD do not deserve to continue to be ever-increasingly pathologized and as always, I'd to make it clear, I make no excuses for poor/bad behaviour or abuse.


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