Why am I taking a hiatus? Future plans and thinking.

Streamed on:

with Andrew Branca.

Givesendgo for My Difficult Dog https://www.givesendgo.com/GBDS7

Here is my loose end: Last livestream for the foreseeable future will be Tuesday at 8 pm EST where I will talk with Dr. Steven Hayward about ranking the Peter Gabriel era Genesis albums.

Decision matrix
I. Negatives
a. New capital cases are coming in all the time, which require my focused attention.
i. I should not have to continually take long breaks.
ii. Capital cases are lined up in Florida’s enthusiasm for the death penalty.
1. No additional funding from the legislature.
2. Of our capital team, two of our most senior people are retiring.
3. This will fall on me.
b. Priority on next books:
i. Brucie Coloring Book
ii. Death Penalty Designs: Maximum Due Process
iii. Reasonable Doubt project, new chapter for Ideas & Answers, law review article
iv. My Difficult Dog, (GoFundMe up)
v. Fantasy novel trilogy can be ebook, long way away.
vi. Short stories for elementary aged children.
c. After this run, I assessed the market for my books, and the production costs associated with them.
d. Most book sales come from appearing on other channels.
e. Success online does not begat happiness.
i. Is it true that big celebrity = big happiness?
ii. I am generally happy – do more of what makes me happy, less or what makes me unhappy.
iii. I love my family.
iv. I love my job.
v. I love my hobbies (Writing, music, art, leatherwork, reading, traveling, collecting).
vi. Where does streaming fit into this? Father, husband, friend, lawyer, author, … and streamer?
f. I hate repeating.
i. I can still comment on Florida criminal trials.
ii. My life stuff is already out there. Have you bought Prepare?
iii. Overexposure to myself.
g. Hate asking for book sales or superchats.
h. Competition for zero sum game of superchats.
i. The Internet interferes with friendships.
j. Limited time and focus.
k. I am a better wingman.

II. Positives +
a. I can get my message out.
i. Well, I said my piece, and I can if I have something burning to say on others channels.
ii. You can go back and look at some of my older videos you know. Especially Rumble.
b. I get to talk with cool folks!
i. John C. Wright, Steven Hayward, Linda Denno, Dr. Cutler, Dr. Declue, Chris Fabricant.
ii. I can do this going into the future.
iii. Will have Steven Hayward on soon hopefully to discuss Peter Gabriel Genesis album ranking.
c. I get so much kind praise! I mean really, how lucky am I?
d. I sell books by providing content. But most of my book sales come from appearances on other channels.
e. I am making money, but is it really worth the amount of time and attention?

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