1 year ago

SS: A key factor they are missing is 'covid' has never been proven to exist in the manner they describe it,(a virus). Virology is theoretical, unproven.
We have accumulative evidence, this was all planned, a bait and switch with what is known as the 'common cold'. We are further finding out that no injection for anything they claim is a 'threat' is actually doing you any good. In fact, quite the opposite.

The way this continues is through delusion, and rather like a cult. In this case it is a death cult, where they get people to willingly participate in their own demise.

Therefore, what is claimed to be a death from 'covid', is something that can never be proven, therefore, complete 100% FRAUD, with intent to harm / KILL.
The test is fraud too, which fueled the 'cases' which in turn gave them 'stats' to push their fraud further.

What causes the 'common cold'?
A variety of things, namely toxins, which they cleverly get you to expose yourself to, by FEAR, PEER PRESSURE, LIES, FOR YOUR SAFETY and CONVENIENCE. Radiation poisoning adverse events are 'flu like' symptoms. EMF/R exposure is one aspect, causing oxidative stress, the more exposure, the more deterioration of health you will experience. The body then goes through a detox process to repair the cellular damage, this is the flu like symptoms.
If you ingest poisons, via injections, food, water or air, your body will at some point trigger a detox process. If you wear a mask, you are blocking the air flow, causing oxidative stress, you are breathing in your own waste air, which is TOXIC! If you use the hand sanitizers, these are loaded with toxins, these will make you sick.

Everything they did and got people to do was to harm our health, this was planned as per the population forecasts, this is DEMOCIDE.
It is time to wake up FULLY, not partially, statisticians, scientists, doctors, police, military, everyone needs to understand fully the extent of the crimes committed. Unfortunately, I see these so called expose's are not fully exposing what went one. This leaves the door open for it to continue.

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