Tips For Buying Gold

1 year ago

Gold has been universally respected around the world across many centuries for its value and rich history. Its value has been recognized by many cultures for thousands of years. Coins containing gold appeared at least as early as 650 B.C. The first pure gold coins were introduced during the reign of King Croesus of Lydia about 100 years later.
Throughout the ages, people have continued to hold gold for various reasons. Societies, and now countries, have placed value on gold, thus perpetuating its worth. It is the metal we fall back on when other forms of currency or mediums of exchange do not work. This means that it always has some value as insurance against tough times.
The national debt of the United States recently soared past $33 trillion dollars. That is more than 100% of the annual value of all goods and services produced in the Untie States. This is known as Gross Domestic Product or GDP. What’s more, that annual cost of servicing that debt now exceeds $1 trillion dollars. This raises speculation about the possibility of default. In this article, we explore the possibility and explain the consequences of global sovereign debt default.

The evolution of world governments and the efforts to drift towards a unified global system is a topic of much debate and concern. The implications of such a shift, especially on the economic front, are profound. This article aims to present the Global Macro Digest's ® perspective on the matter.

The world of investing is constantly changing. World governments are attempting to move toward a new world order of big globalist government and higher taxes. This is leading to profound changes in the organization of social systems and global political power. Higher taxes lead to economic stagnation and greater poverty. It also leads to great volatility in the financial markets.

Investors need to adapt to these developments The Global Macro Digest ® is dedicated to delivering valuable insights into the markets to allow investors to achieve a better understanding of the global investing environment and to make better informed investment decisions.

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