Turkey to decide on Sweden_s Nato bid _within weeks_ _ BBC News

9 months ago

**Sweden Decides to Join NATO**
*A Historic Decision for the Nordic Nation*

On May 16, 2022, Sweden and Finland formally submitted their applications to join NATO, marking a historic decision for the two Nordic nations. The move came in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which raised concerns about the security of non-NATO members in the region.

Sweden's decision to join NATO is a significant departure from its long-standing policy of neutrality. The country has remained militarily non-aligned since the 1810s, avoiding both NATO and the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War. However, Russia's aggression in Ukraine has fundamentally changed the security landscape in Europe, prompting Sweden to reconsider its traditional stance.

**Factors Influencing Sweden's Decision**

Several factors contributed to Sweden's decision to join NATO. These include:

* **The security threat posed by Russia:** Russia's invasion of Ukraine has heightened concerns about its willingness to use military force to achieve its objectives. Sweden's proximity to Russia and its strategic location in the Baltic Sea region make it a potential target for Russian aggression.

* **The importance of collective security:** NATO is a collective security alliance that provides mutual defense for its members. Sweden's membership in NATO would provide it with the security guarantees of the alliance, deterring potential aggression and strengthening its overall defense posture.

* **The desire to strengthen transatlantic cooperation:** Sweden has close ties with other NATO members, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Joining NATO would deepen these relationships and strengthen transatlantic cooperation on security issues.

**Public Support for NATO Membership**

Public opinion in Sweden has shifted in favor of NATO membership in recent years. According to a poll conducted in May 2022, 59% of Swedes support joining the alliance, up from 34% in 2014. This shift in public opinion is likely due to the changing security situation in Europe and the perceived threat posed by Russia.

**The Road Ahead**

Sweden's application to join NATO is subject to approval from all 30 member states of the alliance. Turkey has expressed concerns about Sweden's support for Kurdish groups that it considers to be terrorists. However, negotiations are ongoing, and it is expected that Sweden and Finland will eventually be admitted to the alliance.

Sweden's decision to join NATO is a significant development with far-reaching implications for the security of Europe. It represents a strengthening of the transatlantic alliance and a clear message to Russia that its aggression will not be tolerated.

**Additional Considerations**

* Sweden's decision to join NATO is a complex issue with a long history. The country has carefully considered the risks and benefits of membership before making its decision.

* NATO membership is not a guarantee of security, but it does provide a significant deterrent against aggression. Sweden's membership in the alliance will strengthen its overall defense posture and make it less vulnerable to attack.

* Sweden's decision to join NATO is a sovereign decision that reflects the will of the Swedish people. Other countries, including Finland, are also considering joining the alliance.


Sweden's decision to join NATO is a historic event that will have a lasting impact on the security of Europe. The country's membership in the alliance will strengthen the transatlantic community and send a clear message to Russia that its aggression will not be tolerated.

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