Palettes, Pigments and Mediums - No. 40

1 year ago

About the palette and mediums in use in my studios and outdoors.
In response to PENCE0008 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA and Gabriel

Could you comment on palettes/pigments? I've always used the Paxton palette for indoor use.
What do your students use?
I recently took a class from a guy that uses the prismatic palette for outdoor use. He referred to A.T. Hibbard as a Boston School guy as well as Gruppe is that right? In the past I've always used a split primary palette for outdoor use.
What are your thoughts on palettes for indoor and outdoor use and mediums too? I've been using a 3:1:1 mix of turp: stand oil: and 5 lb. cut Damar for figure work.

could you talk about your palette and what kind of colors and arrangement you used with Gammell?
Did he prefer a more chromatic one or did he used a muted one and worked his way from there?
was it hard for you to provide yourself with oil paints at that time?
Do you remember a historical brand you enjoyed more than others?

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