Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 1 of 4

9 months ago

***A Great One*** ***One of my TOP 10***

I have divided this into 4 Parts

LINKS to all 4:

***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 1 of 4


***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 2 of 4


***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 3 of 4

***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 4 of 4


***Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 1 of 4


Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum – December 7, 2006

4:30 – 8:00 -- Oklahoma City Bombing was Really a Baby Nuke by our Government

8:00 – 12:30 -- Quantum Computers beneath Colorado Springs – unreal info.

12:30 – 14:00 -- Bubonic Plague Simulation – Small Pox Simulation – predicted 93 million Americans would be infected in 90 Days.

14:00 – 16:00 -- Dr. Bill Deagle met with FBI director on March 1, 2001 - Pearl Harbor like Event which will bring about Martial Law in America with a National ID with an Implantable Chip. One of the top event simulations was a Jet Aircraft going into the World Trade Center Towers. They actually did it. They were responsible for 9/11.

16:00 – 18:04 -- Micro-Nukes were in the World Trade Center. Raido-Isotopes were detected there as well as the Pentagon. There was also high explosive Thermate. This was ordered by the Jesuits through Project Omega, which is a Nazi Agency which Supersedes ALL other Intelligence Agencies. Their underground facilities are in Colorado. This was completed under the operation direction of George Hubert Walker Bush – Sr Bush. This agency is involved with all the Underground Facilities but also with our OFF WORLD Facilities and Spacecraft that you can’t imagine exists. Bill says the level of Evil is beyond imagination.

18:15 – 20:50 -- The Patriot Act – Patriot means – Providing Advanced Technologies to Receive and Intercept Operational Terrorism. It has nothing to do with Patriotism. Bill Deagle says we are involved with something much, much bigger than the New World Order and if it isn’t stopped it is all over. The Patriot Act was written TWO YEARS BEFORE 9/11. Some of the sections and wording was written 12 to 15 years before 9/11.

20:50 – 31:50 -- Avian Flu – called the Brainiac Virus because it will be the most intelligent virus that will ever be released. Viruses change by recombination, not by mutation, contrary to Dr. Fauci – which Dr. Deagle said way back in 2007 that Dr. Fauci was the Monster behind the HIV/AIDS Spread and Research. Dr. Julie Gerberding who was the head of the CDC, two evil people, involved in these plagues and the money trail goes to the Rothschild’s. The AIDS Virus was created directly under the control of the World Health Organization – WHO. Dr. Deagle was recruited by the CIA in 1974 to work with Recombination Viruses to create the AIDS Virus. The Avian Flu was created with a Bio-Engine from deceased minors in Alaska, they took fragments and recreated the virus from nothing. They succeeding in doing this at the CDC in Atlanta. Dr. Deagle began researching this and what he found was very, very disturbing. The 1918 flu was created through viral technologies at the time through Vice President Theodore Roosevelt – we have had Bioweapon Programs in operation for over a Century. The 1918 flu was a human/pig hybrid. H5N1 – the very first strain analyzed in 1971. They designed the Avian Flu virus to completely bypass the human immune system – there is no Interlukin-4 which is the primary warning system to activate your lymphocytes to fight the virus – resulting in a massive cytokine storm which particularly kills the young and healthy who have a strong immune system. Dr. Deagle says this is like Ebola on Steroids. Lethality varies between 25% to 100%. Dr. Deagle says to make this a pandemic it would only require two gene changes at position 224 and 228 that this would kill a minimum of 2 billion people and infect ¾ of the planet. Every one will be locked down, quarantined, chipped, tracked and placed in civil detention facilities. For the Globalists, this is a much better option than creating a Nuclear War to off us. A recombinant of a bird, pig or human can cause a pandemic says Dr. Deagle. According to Dr. Deagle this will definitely happen, whether it is released or now occurs naturally as it is only a matter of time before it recombines now. This will be more deadly than Nuclear War. Dr. Deagle says the Government has Scalar Weapons against the virus and that Vaccines will do nothing at all to help as the virus is genetically distinctive to 12 substrains, 6 of them with lethal rates between 25% and 100%. Once this virus becomes transferrable to humans and the virus lives through the incubation period, screening will be useless as the virus as a person can be a carrier for 3-5 days before they get sick and suddenly develop a cytokine storm and drop dead of a heart attack. The virus can also grow in your brain and you may not cough once and just drop dead from the virus growing in your brain. You may not know you have it until you begin bleeding from your eyes, ears and all orifices. That’s how deadly this will be.

31:50 – 33:00 -- Chemtrails – we need to stop spraying these chemtrails which contain Nano-Organisms that are Silicon Based Life Forms that do not originate on this planet, as well as Microbacteria, Pseudomonas Fluorescens as well as other organisms that are destroying the health of our immune system and they are doing this on purpose.

33:00 – 34:15 -- National Animal Identification System – is a new system called the Active Live Chip System and it can track animals down to 1 cubic meter using Satellite based systems. New World Order will have 10 zones he says. They want to place chips like these in us.

34:15 – 34:45 -- Amero – this was back on 2008 that Dr. Bill Deagle said they were planning on introducing to replace the US Dollar.

35:00 – 35:40 -- Biometric Identifiers – after they do their virus event they want to track everyone down to 1 cubic meter. This includes DNA analysis, virus scanners – they can do 100,000 cleavage DNA tests in 5 minutes with a special laptop base micro-computer chip system. They have this set up to DNA track and chip every single person on the planet.

35:40 – 36:30 -- What will they pen us or corral us with? A vast Panorama of Dark Majestic Evil Majesty. Dr. Bill mentions the new money, but now, fast forward 15 years they want everything to be Digital Money.

38:00 – 40:45 -- Israel wanted to start Nuclear War with Iran back in 2007 and the US was in Israel guarding their nuclear arsenal so they wouldn’t. If they were to attack Iran, Russia has given them the most advanced defense system. The Saudi Arabi has an advanced missile system from Communist China that could wipe out Russia. Back in 1995 WWIII almost broke out. US has HAARP technology that can disable the magnetic chips in Jets which could down all them at once.

40:45 – 40:50 -- Dr. Bill said that Hyper-Inflation is coming. Fast forward to today, it is on our doorstep now.

40:50 – 42:25 -- National Health Care – it is a trap system – Hillary Rotten Clinton tried to bring this in with the Electronic Medical Record. The EMR is an electronic choker placed upon your doctor and if your doctor doesn’t follow the Nazi orders – they will yank their license. Fast Forward to today – what is happening to doctors who speak out against the Covid Protocols? It is happening NOW. Not only will they take their license, they will prosecute them and imprison them to make an example that doctors better follow the CDC, WHO, FDA and NIH’s orders. One of the most powerful Pillars of the NWO or as Bill says – the New World Disorder is the Doctors. The plan is to chip everyone, Vaccinate everyone with psychotronic vaccines to rewire your brain, vaccines that will insert DNA to ALTER your genetics – Sound Familiar People – mRNA from (Mod -e- RNA), Vaccines that will cause Cancer – SV-40, Vaccines that will program so you will become sensitized or what Dr. Bill calls Brain Tenderized. They have technologies that can transfer thoughts and insert them into your mind and they can even control your physical body using Scalar Technologies. Big Pharma is killing our elderly with their drugs by turning them into Demented Fools. If you think that Politics is Corrupt – Medicine is 1,000 times more corrupt! The victims are either dead, dying or wish they were.

42:25 – 44:00 -- Track all Transactions – and bartering with Silver or Gold Coins is actually illegal according to the Patriot Act. National Drivers ID -- It is against the law to do anything without your national identification shown. If you try to barter with gold or silver – in example, buying some gas, this is a direct violation of the National Security Act and you are now by definition a Terrorist and by definition you will receive a minimum sentence of a year. Then if you break the law again after this you can be executed without any Habeas Corpus – meaning you will not be in front of a judge or jury, you are just screwed. This has already been passed and put in the Patriot Act in pieces and they are flat out telling us how they will destroy our civilization.

44:00 – 45:50 -- Hate Crimes Bill – ADL – Anti-Defamation League are not looking out for Jewish people. The Elixir for Death of this Planet is RELIGION and Extremism. The Masters of Chaos has kept us dumbed down, not knowing the Nature of Reality, while their scientists and their secret Illuminati Organizations have known for 1,000’s of years. This information is held in secret libraries, one being the Vatican Library where Nikola Tesla’s Father obtained the most advanced information on Scalar and Sacred Geometry that Nikola used for the development of all of our Advanced Technologies, including Hydro-Electric Generation, Electric Motors, AC Power and much more.
Hate Crimes Bill makes it so you are GUILTY if you harm someone’s feelings which is subjective. They want to be able to prosecute you on possible violation of thought – pre-crime, like on the Minority Report Movie.

45:50 – 47:30 -- Depleted Uranium – it is not depleted at all, it is only ONE Isotope and it fits in the Table of Elements in the Exact position of Chromium. Depleted Uranium is the greatest Plague of all Living things on the Planet in history. It is destroying the genetics which will last for 40 BILLION Years. George Bush’s 2003 Shock and Awe War in Iraq – Shock and Awe is actually the name of an ancient War Goddess in Babylon, they were doing a WAR SACRIFICE to – not imaginary, it is real. They created a cloud of Depleted Uranium that hung over North America for over 5 weeks. This caused Depleted Uranium Rains in California.

47:30 – 50:00 -- The World Trade Organization – Dr. Rima Laibow and her husband General Albert Stubberbine -- The Codex Alimentarius (Latin for 'Food Code') is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines, and other recommendations published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations relating to food, food production, food labeling, and food safety. Well, the USA signed a Treaty with Russia called X-Alimentarius – and the X is on us, 7 of 9 Banned Pesticides that were banned by most other countries – some so lethal that it would kill any child under 5 years old within 4 hours and people under 18 would be dead in less than 2 weeks. These pesticides are so lethal that other counties would not allow them to be sprayed on their crops. But the USA is going to be spraying them and approving them on our FOODS. Do you see by now that all these Agencies that we think are there to protect us are nothing but a Smoke Screen of Deception?? GMO Foods with as many as 6 different Genes from 6 different organisms including Slime Fish, Jelly Fish, Humans, Sharks and Bacteria. They have 200 Irradiators so that all doses of food entering the USA will receive 100,000 radiation that will be lethal to all living organisms. When you irradiate steak it releases a toxic Benzene.

50:00 – Nanotech Dyes and Fats – they are putting this shit in our foods that can cross the blood brain barrier and the can place heavy metals in these. So you can enjoy your ice cream, but you will be getting some kind of neurological disorder like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or Dementia.

50:30 – 51:55 -- Mineral Depletion – they have depleted the minerals from Earth which is removing trace minerals from our food. We need trace minerals to aid with other nutrient absorption. Over 90% of the population are Zinc, Magnesium and Selenium Deficient. True selenium would help prevent cancer and they know that so they have made sure that supplemental selenium is filled with toxins.

51:55 – 53:00 -- Seeds of Famine – they are creating what they call seeds of famine in which the third of fourth generation of seeds will be infertile – they will not reproduce.

53:00 – 53:40 -- Population Reduction – they want to reduce the population to 500 million. This is not a joke.

53:40 – 55:45 -- Vaccines – Take a shot or get shot. Dr. Bill met with FEMA director on December 12, 2001 and their pandemic plan is to quarantine and to vaccinate to protect the people. Dr. Bill Deagle says that the saw their real plans which are not public and it has nothing to do with protecting people, just the opposite.

55:45 – 57:00 -- Dental Profession – the amalgams in your teeth are electric and they are a battery and after you chew you get a Piezoelectrical Compression of the Amalgams in your teeth and you get a massive increase in Voltage – thus why Lucile Ball could hear FM Radio stations. Mercury Amalgams are very toxic. Mercury locks onto the GTP receptor of the Neural Tubulent (Pulp) and literally truncates (shortens) your dendrites.

57:00 – 58:55 -- Vaccine Calculator – the mercury in childrens vaccines exceeds the toxic level by 18 to 36 times with the current vaccines schedules (this was in 2007, likely much worse now in 2023). Vaccines also contain cells from Aborted Fetuses, including Fetal Retinal Cells and Insect Larvae – and the DNA is NOT stable which means it can be intercalated into your own cells and DNA and they have what are called jumping genes which they jump around and can activate Oncogenes and other activities in your cells and can have very strange effects. Cancer Viruses like SV-40 are in the MMR -- Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccines. Do NOT allow your child to have this people. Other shit they are putting in the jabs are Spirochetes, Mycoplasma – which came from Nazi experiments from the 3rd Reich, and Garth Nicholson wrote “Project Day Lily” about Mycoplasmas.

58:55 – 1:00:27 -- CHEMTRAILS -- Chemtrails - Barium Salts are in chemtrails, they are 10,000 times more toxic to your nervous system than lead. They contain micro-bacteria, viruses, pseudomonas bacteria, human plasma. Dr. Bill Deagle was the pilot for those flying the chemtrail planes, he says "I know it's real." His NSA buddies say they are spraying chemtrails to reflect the Sun to stop Global Warming - which is bullshit, they are spraying to make us sick and for Weather Warfare. Morgellons is caused by Silcon based Nano-Machine Life Forms that does NOT originate on Earth. It is an intelligent silicon-based life form, like bees or ants.

1:00:27 – 1:01:44 -- MIND CONTROL – Conversion of the Atmosphere into a Plasma for Weather Modification Geotechtonic Warfare, Scalar Mind Control Technologies, HAARP, The Tetra System in the United Kingdom, Iridium Satellite System connected to Cell Towers – they can send a Bio-Coded Signal to your DNA to effect your Physiology and insert thoughts into your mind. Nokia is involved in this outside the USA and NSA agents are working with them closely and this is above Top Secret – they are not making cell phones but trying to find ways to get inside our brain and control us.

1:01:45 – 1:02:45 -- Force Five Hurricanes and Cyclones – Why are these happening? Our Solar System is rotating around the Galaxy and we are transitioning and about to cross the Precession of the Equinox – we are crossing the Galactic Plane and entering what is called the Proton Energy Field which they know about and are very aware of this. This Galactic Plane is an Area where Transdimensional Entities or Beings can enter through what is called a Stargate or Portal and they are very aware of this and why they have these Stargate Projects. We may see a lot of strange things happening.

1:02:45 – 1:-6:27 -- Global Warming – What is going on really? The global icecaps are melting on Mars, there are Super Storms on Jupiter and this is caused by the Sun because the Solar System is a Tesla Wheel and there are discharges occurring because of the hypergravitational Object approaching us at great distances that are probable 50 diameters of the Solar System at a very, very rapid pace and as it approaches past the former planet Pluto, now replaced by the planet Eris, which means the Goddess of Chaos. 80% of the Glaciers are actually increasing and only 10% are melting. The bottom of the oceans are heating up. It is expected to that we will see a lot of Volcanic action and some big Earthquakes as the inner Earth is changing. It is projected that the East Coast be wiped out by a Tsunami from Earthquakes orignating by the Canary Islands. Bill says that we are in the same position that Atlantis and Lemuria were in before they destroyed each other with the great war – we have similar technologies and we have the exact same populations and the same geopolitics and we are in the same position of the Precession of the Equinox.

1:06:27 – 1:08:55 -- Ice Age – We are NOT heading to Global Warming, we are heading into an Ice Age. Some of the signs are increased rainfalls and snows that can accumulate to 100 feet per year. The last ice age there was 4,000 feet of packed snow – 40 years worth at 100 feet per year. These ice ages come on very quickly, in like 3 to 5 years. By 2036 we will KNOW. It won’t effect everywhere but places like Canada and Northern US will be effected and the electric Grid will Freeze. Most of Northern Europe will be under ice. There could also be a pole shift. 76% of the planets in our Galaxy are binary and 16% are trinary – meaning two and three suns. Jupiter is actually classified as a Star as it gives off more heat, light and radiation than it absorbs. Planet X is not a planet but is a hyper-dense object that is an aborted or dwarf star.

Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 Part I – END of PART I 1:08:00

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