Dr. Michael Rectenwald: Libertarian vs. Authoritarians

10 months ago

Dr. Michael Rectenwald, once an avowed Marxist professor at New York University, has become a notable figure in the "red-pilling" movement. His outspoken criticism of the cancel culture, which hurt his career, prompted a reassessment of his political beliefs. Delving into the historical criminality of socialism and communism, coupled with a critical examination of their economic theories, Dr. Rectenwald transitioned to a libertarian stance. He is now actively engaged in educating Americans about the importance of individual liberty and property rights, challenging both left-wing and right-wing authoritarianism. 
In this wide-ranging interview with The New American, Dr. Rectenwald outlines his presidential campaign and political platform. Key topics include proposals for economic reform, such as eliminating income tax and reducing the size of government by dismantling politicized and oppressive "alphabet agencies," starting with the CIA and FBI. He advocates for auditing and potentially abolishing the Federal Reserve, attributing it to the root cause of economic crises. Dr. Rectenwald also calls for the total cancellation of all foreign aid and military assistance, advocating for the withdrawal of troops from over 900 bases to prioritize homeland defense. Emphasizing an anti-war stance, he contends that interventionist foreign policies have compromised America's security and global standing. In this regard, Dr. Rectenwald envisions restoring the American republic through trade and diplomacy while addressing domestic issues. A core aspect of his platform involves nullifying unconstitutional laws and regulations at the state and local levels, emphasizing the need to elect more liberty-minded individuals to office. Finally, as an expert on the Great Reset, Dr. Rectenwald speculates on potential attempts by global elites to influence the 2024 elections. 
To learn more about the presidential campaign of Dr. Michael Rectenwald, please click here. 
To learn more about his academic background and writings, please click here. 
Dr. Michael Rectenwald is on X (Twitter).

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