HSTS = HTTP Strict Transport Security, supercookie firefox SiteSecurityServiceState.txt 0K read only

1 year ago

a database for HSTS HTTP Strict Transport Security misused as a web
site private browsing super cookie, example = firefox_portable\UserData

HSTS can be used to near-indelibly tag visiting browsers with recoverable identifying data (supercookies) which can persist in and out of browser "incognito" privacy modes. By creating a web page that makes multiple HTTP requests to selected domains, for example, if twenty browser requests to twenty different domains are used, theoretically over one million visitors can be distinguished due to the resulting requests arriving via HTTP vs. HTTPS; the latter being the previously recorded binary "bits" established earlier via HSTS headers


= most citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
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I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

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fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!


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