10 months ago

That is one weird report. I don't know what the so called journalist was thinking. Info-graphics and emphasis on 200 people in one small area, 300 people in one small area. Then we find out from the minister that there are over 300 thousand homeless people for the whole state. This is a serious problem, largely caused by Governments. They are lucky that, as shown by the public reaction to the covid tyranny, the Australian public is completely cowed and compliant.


It looks cheap and nasty. Looking more closely at the construction it appears to have been made using exactly the same materials and techniques as the shed in my backyard. I think they will be ridiculously hot in Summer and freezing in Winter. Having said that I applaud their efforts to build housing as quickly as possible. The obvious drawbacks of the shown constructions pale in comparison to living in a tent. They should make as many of those buildings as they can and not just in that State, but every State. Complaints from councils are a complete Furphy, all councils derive their power from the State government, the State government have the power to disband any and all councils anytime they want.


Holy fuck! A quarter of a billion dollars wasted on those invading scum. For the love of God just kick them out. I've given up recommending sending them to Rwanda. Just put them in a giant catapult and fling them as far away from Australia as possible. Imagine being one of the hundreds of thousands of homeless Australians and seeing a quarter of a billion dollars is being wasted on this shite.


Who the fuck is still taking those covid tests. We had to go through months of wearing face nappies and being locked in our houses, but that politician is wandering about wiping his snot on his sleeves. Clearly even the politicians are admitting it is all bullshit. They're still trying the FOMO marketing by pretending only certain people can take the poisonous shots, anyone stupid enough to fall for that deserves what they get.


Dick Smith is still alive, who knew? He hasn't been relevant since he sold off his electronics business in the nineties. I always thought he was a wanker, a multimillionaire who wanted to micromanage everyone's life for the benefit of his idiotic causes. Now he is spouting clap trap about wanting to go back to being able to implicitly trust everything you see on television. An absolutely retarded statement.


It is bloody obvious we need gas, and will continue to need gas. We will also need to expand our current gas power plants. I think it is a serious mistake for people representing the gas industry to start adopting terms like "net zero". Adopting the terms and concepts of a cult is always counter productive. If you were trying to stop a satanic cult you would not start talking about the number of sacrifices to be made, who to sacrifice, or what would be the best festivals to carry out sacrifices. You would just say "NO" to satanism.


The same privileges as he has had, and what would they be? Electricity for lighting, electricity for heating and cooling, electricity for refrigeration and freezing so that he always has a supply of fresh food, transported from all around the world so that the prices are affordable. There are third world countries that look on our access to affordable power, and all it's benefits, with envy. The guy is a silly old coot, who appears to have been led up the garden path by a bunch of deranged extremists. I think it would have helped if the so called journalist had pushed back on his response.


I'm sure the use of cash is decreasing, that never seems to be good enough for them though. They seem compelled to constantly present the complete demise of cash as a fait accompli. However, if you look at places like prisons where the authorities have literally banned cash the inmates develop their own monetary system, usually cigarettes, or candy, or some other item available in limited quantities. In colonial Australia they used rum as currency. Cash doesn't exist because the government ordered us to use it, instead it exists because people need it. Even if the government called in all the coins and notes and destroyed them, I believe people would start using something else in place of cash.


How can it be smaller than a bus yet have greater capacity? Looks like an overpriced load of greenie crap, being sold with obvious bullshit. Just use diesel busses, cheaper, readily available, and they don't require tracks either.

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