Tau TestNet | Wallet Integration & ERC20 Migration Ahead 💎 #taunet #testnet

1 year ago

Question: How will Tauchain be released initially growing and use by the community? I suppose it will be a mobile wallet release of the initial blockchain type of Tau Language. And does TML included? And then what is next on the purpose of goals? What can we do within the App? And does the App connect to other web services and online services? And can you name three or four sequential goals so I can get an idea of the direction. Thank you Peter, PS. If you could add some expected timing that would be a bonus.

Answer: Yes, as we said before, we will start by releasing a Testnet of the Tauchain. And yes, the TestNet and the Tauchain will require its own wallet since were not an ERC20 token anymore or we won’t be when we launch the Testnet. Will it connect to other web services? Tau web services weren’t planning additional web services. In terms of release, milestones or goals, it’s all in the Testnet basically. The Testnet will have to come with an initial wallet. Obviously, we have to test the wallet and there will be a migration path for the ERC20 tokens to the Tauchain tokens. That’s really the biggest step that we are working on.

#TauInnovation #TauchainLaunch #DecentralizedInnovation #TestnetRelease #BlockchainFuture #TauLanguage #CryptoEvolution #WalletMigration #ERC20Transition #WebServicesIntegration #TechMilestones #DigitalTransformation #InnovateWithTau #NextGenBlockchain #TauToken #SmartContracts #DappDevelopment #CryptoCommunity #TauchainGoals #TokenMigration #BlockchainTech #DigitalRevolution #DecentralizedApps #TauWebServices #BlockchainProgress #FutureTechTrends #TauNet #Tauchain #agoras #Tau

Tau Official Website: https://tau.net/
Tau Official Telegram: https://t.me/tauchain
Tau Official Discord: https://discord.gg/fuTA5ymZ
Tau Official Development Updates: https://github.com/IDNI/TML
TML Playground: https://tml.tau.net/

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