The Grand Jury's Message of Hope: Restoring Faith in Humanity (Episode 271)

1 year ago

Freedom Broadcaster LivestreamTUESDAY, NOV 28, 2023


ALBERT BENAVIDES --- Twenty-five-year Medical Billing Revenue Cycle Management Expert, former HMO Claims Auditor and medical billing company owner. ⁠⁠Area of Expertise: VAERS Analysis

DR. HENRY EALY– Founder and Executive Community Director for Energetic Health Institute ⁠⁠Area of Expertise: Asymptomatic Transmission, Natural Treatments, Criminal Dataa Fraud and Willful Misconduct

PAUL NALLY --- Former, MSgt., Ga. Air National Guard, Police Chief, City of White, Georgia, Involved with Grand Jury access for the last 23 years.Area of Expertise: Grand Jury Education⁠⁠.

SENATOR DENNIS LINTHICUM --- Oregon State Senator - District 28 - Advocate for individual freedomArea of Expertise: What’s Going On In Government & How the DOJ Has Obstructed Justice
This case can best be described as a We The People Grand Jury Initiative to establish once and for all that Grand Juries belong to We The People and do have the power to hold criminal acts by elected and appointed officials to account both peacefully and legally.Since March 12, 2020, the members of this team have compiled over 1,000 pages of evidencedemonstrating that named appointed officials have committed alleged acts of criminal data fraud and willful misconduct in respect to their violation of the Information Quality Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, and Administrative Procedures Act.Don't let the names of those acts diminish their importance to the American People. TheAdministrative Procedure Act ensures that all government agencies follow the same laws,making them beholden to We The People. The Paperwork Reduction Act ensures that allagencies have oversight and that We The People are afforded the opportunity for publiccomment before any changes are made to how data is collected, analyzed and published. TheInformation Quality Act ensures that the data that is published is of the highest accuracy andcomes directly from government sources, not from Microsoft projections or outside non-profitorganizations as happened during the COVID crisis.In 2020, we allege and substantiate our allegations that each of these laws was violated by the named persons heading up the agencies that published fraudulent data relative to COVID cases counts, hospital counts, and death counts. This fraudulent data was used to perpetuate the misappropriation of over $3.5 Trillion in US taxpayer funds between March 2020 and March 2022.

What we Discussed:

- What is the Aim of the Grand Jury ( 4 mins)

- Current Situation ( 8 mins)

- Why are they doing this ( 10 mins)

- Your baby is worth $250K if they die ( 13 mins)

- The Plan to do this Internationally ( 21 mins)

- Navigating the Court Corruption ( 24 mins)

- Explaining the Grand Jury by Judge Paul Nally ( 27 mins)

- Why Amunities can not be of benefit ( 32 mins)

- Explaining VAERS and the flaws ( 36 mins)

- How many People Died ( 46 mins)

- Senator Dennis Linthicum filing a case against the Government ( 51 mins)

- How small towns can create a Grand Jury ( 53 mins)

- R. H. Fuller case was not a Grand Jury ( 1hr 6:30 mins)

- How we can Help ( 1hr 12 mins)

and more

Interview Hosts:
Grace Asagra, RN MA
Podcast: Quantum Nurse⁠⁠TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast⁠

Roy Coughlan
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast⁠

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