YYV4C8 Yada Yahowah Miqra'ey...Invitations Matsah | UnYeasted Bread Presenting the Process…

1 year ago

A Shabat Study of Yahowah's Torah. Join a group of Yah's family as we delve into the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while more importantly espousing Yah's Torah truth. Hosted by the author of Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, Coming Home, Questioning Paul, Prophet of Doom, and Tea with Terrorists.

0:00:08 One way to ascertain whether something is important to Yahowah is to consider how many times, and in how many ways, He shares the same information.
0:03:42 We are not qualified to do the work of our Spiritual Mother, the Set-Apart Spirit.
0:09:25 Baqar, which is commonly rendered as “from the herd,” actually “encourages us to be perceptive...
0:11:46 ‘Isharown encourages us to “consider what it means to be enriched as a member of a community...”
0:17:26 The Towrah’s triumphant trilogy of Pesach, Matsah, and Bikuwrym is presented one final time in Dabarym / Words.
0:20:38 Yahowah would not only provide the Lamb, but He would also meet His people in the place He chose.
0:23:48 The preferred place for Yahowah’s name to reside may be a surprise because of what Jews have done to hide it.
0:28:00 The reference to the “bread of oppression” has historic and prophetic implications.
0:34:35 To begin, scholars are wont to render lo’ yakol as “you shall not dare.”
0:41:07 Therefore, we are to enjoy Pesach within the loving embrace of Yahowah’s Guidance.
0:44:50 There are three eyewitness accounts revealing how the Messiah and Son of God, our Zarowa’, Dowd, fulfilled Pesach and Matsah, leading to Bikuwrym and Shabuw’ah.
0:54:58 Our questions have been answered. This is in Yahowah’s voice, and God is speaking to Yisra’el, trying to get His people’s attention so that they come home.
0:58:19 God’s prophetic pronouncement is, of course, correct. After 2,700 years of no one doing either, now, just ten years prior to the fruition of Yasha’yah’s prophecies and the return of the Zarowa’...
1:05:25 God’s final Witness lies behind the words of the prophets and lets them speak for themselves.
1:09:09 The reason that those who speak for Yahowah are bazah | scoffed at and ridiculed is because God is opposed to mankind’s preferred control mechanisms – religion and politics.
1:10:50 Yada’ is presented as a participle noun. This means Yada’ is actively engaged in pursuing mak’ob and choly...
1:17:25 The first Zarowa’, Moseh, would explain the purpose of Passover to the Children of Yisra’el....
1:21:36 Chalal means: “to pierce,” and speaks of “the penetration of sharp objects into the body which wound, harm, and kill.”
1:28:34 The story of Pontius Pilate capitulating to the plot of rabid rabbis and washing his hands of the affair is religious propaganda...
1:30:13 Dowd had already said it all, and so had his Father’s prophets.
1:35:04 Far more than freeing us from the debilitating consequences of politics and religion, Dowd’s sacrifice on our behalf, the Zarowa’s fulfillment of Chag Matsah, delivers us from “mishpat – judgment.”
1:36:01 The second Zarowa’ came for his people, to save the Children of Yisra’el, just as had the first Zarowa’ nearly 1,500 years earlier from Mitsraym.
1:41:22 Qeber, as mentioned previously, is used in the 88th Mizmowr / Psalm to depict “the place where” Dowd’s “soul approached She’owl.”
1:45:03 There is no denying the realization that Yahowah supported His Son’s choice to serve as the Zarowa’ | Sacrificial Lamb.
1:53:44 To appreciate what occurred on the Miqra’ of Matsah, it’s important to recognize that Dowd’s body was not crushed on Passover.
1:55:58 From that perspective, the Zarowa’ will witness the result of what he has accomplished.
2:01:04 Matsah leads to Bikuwrym just as the Spirit leads the soul back Home – from the darkness to the light. Reunited with Yahowah, Dowd’s nepesh has completed what was intended, having fulfilled what was required to redeem the Covenant’s children.
2:03:55 Yes, there are three Zarowa’, all important in their own way, but the man in the center of Yahowah’s world is Dowd | His Beloved.
2:07:10 If somehow, someone, missed what Yahowah had announced previously regarding the way He and His Son, the Zarowa’, would provide the benefits of the Covenant, God has summarized the process.
2:09:10 These revelations prove that Yahowah inspired His prophet.

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