Episode 004 - The Hopkinsville Goblins

1 year ago

What happened on the Lankford Farm?

ADDENDUM: The events as shown are a consolidation of several published accounts, using only the most neutral, non-sensational information.

Also, a more recent investigation performed by researcher Joe Nickell also suggested the explanation may involve great horned owls. Renauld Leclet's article is not easy to track down, however Mr. Nickell's is readily available via online search and contains much of the same reasoning.

For further reading, may we suggest the following:

Check out some Cryptonarium elements (Merch): https://teespring.com/cryptonarium-me...

Music: Leoforos Alexandras by Dan Bodan
Artist: https://danbodan.bandcamp.com/


Requiem (excerpts) by Gyorgy Ligeti

African Drums (Opening Sting): by Twin Musicom
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/

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