from 2016 My Parents or My Mother Has been the one Robbing me helping the landlord Extort the others

9 months ago

So as you can understand true to their character , My Mother has been Robbing With THE landlord or facilitating his robbing of not only THE continued Robbing Of THE clients on O.D.S.P , Because As I have told you before they are On THE same side my Parents & THE Landlord all Masonic ! Even though by legacy That makes me THE Heir & THE grandson & son OF THE Highest tiered Masons OR Shriners or Whatever you want to call the above 33's, How do you think we WAR internally , Oh Morgan says I do not want to play . , LOL, Considering I am not lying !!! Which any of you who know me or listen to me understand .
I just want you all to think about the Script I am writing for the MOVIE & OR SCREEN PLAY which i HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ABOUT IN ORDER FOR WHAT ? my BENIFIT ? i HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOU THESE THINGS IN the OPEN SO YOU CAN JUST TYPE ANY SINGLE FACT IN & FOLLOW IT i showed YOU ALL the WAY & WHERE IT IS COMING FROM , the LEAK IN the DAM. Every Month ! Starving ! every month just trying to trust in THE lord While everything around me is so completely Raped & thrown into rage & chaos By THE anger of Being Robbed & ignored By the police over & over again !! making everyone's authority moot & it wrong for me not to answer in a forceful way ! because the Murder you attempt to pull off with the land lord & all his fake & fraudulent Forms which you are responsible for sending every one to every single disabled person ! HOW DOES THE LANDLORD GET AWAY WITH USING THE LANDLORDTENNENT BOARDS FORMS SAYING THAT HIS EVICTIONS & DEMANDS FOR RENT ARE TRUE WHEN EVERY Single Form IS A LIE & I Need him TO generate another fake form to call the police why would he generate another fake form if you Give Him THE God damn Money !! So right as He get's his first warning from THE Police because it was one of my officers !! how is the force divided mother 2/3rds !!! see The Parallels So when I Now Have Him at one more fake form & he will have to be arrested !! You decide to When I call the police on every form he sends because they are all forgeries & extortion , You Just went & took My Money which is already being robbed $200 dollars of my basic needs every month for over 6 years !! because you refuse to call the police !! & Just Tell them !! What he is doing !! How evil !!! So while knowing I am being robbed & starved he writes you for more money !! from my small little bit I have for the month !! He wrote it down You Satanic Evil Witch !! Sharon !!! SO you have that as evidence for THE Police You Mother F-iong Goof Bitch Cunt !!! In THE Name OF Jesu Christ Arrest My Mother Charge her for conspiracy to commit fraud on the grandfathered in Tenants of all THE building s !! This has been going on because my Mother has been Protecting the landlord !!! until I got That police officer who was my trainee !!! SO THE Land Lord Just Went right to my Mother & THE bitch Goes !!!! He Wrote us !! it is Official !!!!! Hay Stupid Little bitch goof Cunt !! If you ever talk to my Sons again I am going to Stuff MY Cock Right Up your Big fat lazy arse!! In THE book I am writing !! With characters that are going to Hell Which is where we are right now Sharon & you are going to have a fun time in eternity a good way to know if you are here is to think to yourself Does my Son Hate me to which the answer most certainly is no I Love you which gives me the power to place you in the outer darkness !! Because I love your choice you are a rapist , a thief & a spoiled brat ! how much more a month do you live on & spend in vanity than I do ,k include all the pride and pomp you feel inclined to while forming a rebuttal .

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