1 year ago

It seems to me, that our government may have fallen to corruption and might just be there to extort the American taxpayer. I could be wrong, but over the last 20+ years, they have shown no 'real' concern for the security of America. 40 years ago, they claimed we had 11 MILLION illegal immigrants in America. They have claimed this for 40 year's - and continue to give that same f#cking number - never increasing the total - even thou government agencies have clearly admitted that a million or more unlawful immigrants entered our country each and every one of these past 40 years, except for the 4 years Trump was in office. Guess they want us to believe; that for each illegal entering - one was leaving... Lately though, with the Biden administration, the illegal immigration is outrageously non-stop - with an estimate of over 10 million in just 3 years. I believe this is very dangerous, not only physically - because of the criminal element they are allowing unopposed, But also economically, because we cannot afford to support the burden. We hear our politicians say "America is a rich country, we can afford to help these less unfortunates", Yet our streets and woods are full of homeless Americans that our government is unwilling to help, our dollar is losing value, our fuel prices have doubled and most of us can't even afford proper nutrition/food, let alone pay our bills. Did you see how this 'girl child' was molested at an American airport - like she was some kind of threat... while Bidens border patrol doesn't search, doesn't I.D., doesn't even photograph a single unlawful person crossing into our country ! When will the American people, have had enough of this blatant unlawfulness ??

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