Best chicken breed for beginner homesteaders!

1 year ago

#backyardchicken #homesteadingforbeginners #jerseygiant

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We are feeding those in need:

On our homestead, we are dedicated to learning to live a little more self sustainably week by week. While we learn (because we are beginners), we have made a focus on helping others learn the lessons as we learn them. The way we’re doing this is by creating videos here on youtube to show what we are doing right and what we’re doing wrong.
Currently we own 5 acres and it is our homestead dream to put all 5 acres to work. We have several backyard chicken breeds, to include Barred Plymouth Rock, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Ameraucana (blue egg chicken breed), and Jersey Giants (the largest chicken breed).
We can’t wait to add geese, ducks, turkeys, sheep, goats, and maybe a mini-cow or two, to our homestead. So, If you are dreaming of starting a little homestead or micro farm, consider checking out our videos. The goal we have for this channel is to serve our viewers with helpful educational videos about homesteading for beginners, how to start a homestead, how to garden, how to raise sheep and other farm animals and so on. Thank you for checking out the channel!

Links to some helpful supplies:

Zip Ties:
Tarp (8x10) 15 Mil Heavy Duty:
Chicken Feeder Ports:
Solar Powered Coop Light:
Nest box grass:
Thermal Waterproof gloves:
Best mouse trap:
Egg Trays:
Ceramic Heat lamp:

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To support the channel some of the links above may be affiliate links. Statements on this site do not represent the views or policies of anyone other than myself.

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