Tripping on Travel: North Cemetery IMAGES, Hampton, CT

1 year ago

Each image is a frame from the video footage. A brief capture of a moment from that day. A few have been converted to B&W. It's important, I think, that the color and sounds of that cemetery's setting that October day be preserved. It's a very old, and beautiful place.

As explained by the Town of Hampton website, the small population of this town is only 2,034 residents. And it's remained a small community ever since it was settled in the early 18th century as Windham Village. "The first settlers were primarily farmers, whose immediate work was to clear and plow the land, plant crops, dig root cellars, and build houses, barns, and sheds. They also harnessed waterpower to run the grist and sawmills. Cattle were crucial for survival. The settlers needed oxen to plow and cows for milk, butter, cheese, and meat. Their diet also included fish, turkey, deer, rabbit, duck, and dove as well as fruits, vegetables, and nuts." In 1786, the Town of Hampton was incorporated, ten years after the Declaration of Independence was signed and adopted in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Town of Hampton, Connecticut

The US GenWeb Project - Hammond or North Cemetery

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