[2023-11-29] United Nations - THIS is when the 1st meeting happens!

1 year ago

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


THIS is when the 1st meeting happens!⬇️⬇️ (See Below)👇👇

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Folks, the UN’s specialized agency UNESCO is on an ALL-OUT mission to censor speech online worldwide. They aren’t even hiding it anymore and ANYONE can read the document and press releases for themselves. Yet the STRANGEST THING is that virtually NO MEDIA is reporting on this😒 - my oh my, what a surprise!

These people are power-hungry maniacs and they really believe that we’ll just all accept this and do nothing! But here are some things we CAN DO:

1. SPREAD the info to your social circles because awareness is the FIRST and most important step in stopping a tyrannical policy like this. There’s a REASON why they are doing this so secretively - simply having a bad opinion of this TERRIFIES them

2. Call up your FEDERALLY elected representatives and/or send an email or letter. You can send one every two months and encourage others to do the same! Tell them “Everyone in your neighbourhood is concerned about this” and that you all want to see a bill tabled that will ensure your country DOES NOT sign on to any UN treaties!

HERE’S WHEN THE 1ST UNESCO MEETING ON THIS IS! According to the press release which is shown in the video and also is included in my sources here, states: “UNESCO will organize the first World Conference of Regulators in MID-2024”

So there you have it, we’ve got 6 months to APPLY PRESSURE and let these wannabe dictators know….

North America WILL NOT FALL!


UNESCO Nov 6th Press release:

Guidelines for the governance of digital platforms (UNESCO Full document):


The general of UNESCO:

The Deputy General of UNESCO:

#politics #liberal #conservative #explore #reels

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