NPD DID SUD TBI SRA MKULTRA demon possession

1 year ago

Talking to herself in a mirror, never recognized herself, cannot recognize her voice now. Her child trauma memories are too severe to remember, her child alters wont let her.

Switching alter personalities, A Day in the Life of Schizophrenia, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Substance Abuse Disorder, Pedophilia, Sex Trafficking on every TV network by the Kardashians and tranny sodomite Bruce Jenner with an indicted rapist and attempted murderer who fled USA, MKULTRA, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Demon Possession. 100 drs refused her treatment, only torture in 50 jails and prisons. Proof that yoga is ancient MKULTRA manufacturing psychosis, multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia and demonic possession.

3.5 hours documentary by Pirate News TV

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