The Cult of Scientism is Based on Consensus or Opinion

1 year ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts:

Dr Judy: We have to leave the cult of scientists.
Clay Clark: I don't think people understand what you mean when you say that this scientism has become a death cult.
Dr Judy: The cult of scientism isn't based on data, it isn't based on the natural laws of God and the discovery of those laws. It's based on consensus or opinion. This is my OPINION of the data and even propaganda masquerading as science... Those 12 years where I had to watch how this cult attempted to drive their propaganda because my discoveries in the paper published October 23 2009 of our God-given protective virome and the infection by injection. Vaccinology: vaccination is NOT immunization, it's extermination and sterilization. These are bioweapons, they have to inject their poisons, they have to inject these viruses not that they don't exist, but they would not infect us! God gave us every protective mechanism there is. So this fear is the virus as we know, and driving us to hate each other. So the cult of scientism has existed pretty much my entire career at the National Cancer Institute. Now I fully appreciate what they did and how they did it. As my pastor Rob McCoy said last weekend in his sermon: Words as Weapons! They use words like cancer and we're consumers...
God has a sense of humor and we survived. Because boy, are we having fun now!

11/22/2023 - Full interview with Clay Clark:
Read my books to help correct our institutional memory!:

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