Trump Supporters: Pushing Back!!! - Hairless Ape - 2016

1 year ago

Published on Jun 20, 2016

"What Really Happened At Womens March: MGTOW @
You are going To See Trump Supporters Become More Aggressive and Physical over Time. They Are Getting Fed-up With The Left Violent Terror groups Like SJW, Feminist , BLM, La Raza & Other Democrats that Spread Lies. Pretty Soon The Gloves Will Come Off. If You Go To a Trump Event , Go with Several Men Who are Fighters , Leave Kids at HOME And Don't Tolerate The Lefts Violence, YOU Have The Right To Defend Your Self Against Any Man Or Woman That Seeks To Do You Harm.. Take a Red Pill, You are The Resistance. Keep On Keepin On, Never Give Up & Never Surrender! get beats here "Confrontation" Producer: 2Deep his link is
check out this channel its the first clip in the video
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Black Trump Supporters Pushing Back!!! "

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