Codependent Projection Eggshells Covert Agendas - Comment Response

3 years ago

Codependent Projection Eggshells Covert Agendas - Comment Response
Sous-titres disponibles en français - Projection codépendante Coquilles d'œufs - Agendas secrets
Codependents, many, not all, project have their own eggshells and covert agendas. It's part of the Codependent repetition compulsion external locus of control. Codependents in recovery can learn that you are responsible for your feelings but no one else's. Same goes for me as a Youtube creator.

Subtitles are available in English and French. Hit the settings gear to turn them on in whichever language is best for you.

This video, or any other I've done, is not therapy or a replacement for therapy nor is indicative of how I work with clients in therapy. - Sessions - Contact - Blog - Podcast

Projection codépendante Coquilles d'œufs - Agendas secrets - Réponse aux commentaires

#BPDRelationships #CodependentCovertAgendas #ajmahari

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