Realities are Infinite: Why Mystics and Scholars Don't Agree

1 year ago

This video talks about many of the proposals of what reality is, from the best academic, philosophical, mystical, pragmatic, extremely self-aware, enlightened, etc. There are so many deifinitions and no one really agrees because it may not be possible to do so. Some of the greatest physicist defined it but later was redefined by another. The search remained, by nature elusive and impossible. Many people stop looking and caring when the search no longer produces assets that better their immediate lives. Then we get to the Mystics and the otherworldly people existing. Their insight is so subjective that it leaves the learner to hope their trust and faith doesn't fail them. We began exploring components of consciousness and the mind, such as the dream world, and explore it for possilities that will only produced self awareness by people that trust one another and are operating on a the highest octave of virtue that humans should exist with. I share many theories on realty and consciousness here, compare, and talk about them in a loose way. Enjoy and express what think and feel.

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