Charles Hoskinson Speaks Out Against Forced (Vaccine) Medical Treatment 👀💉

1 year ago

Watch Charles Hoskinson as he speaks out against forced medical treatment, otherwise known as Forced Vaccination. In this informative clip, taken from his November Surprise AMA 11/26/2023. As the topic of consent around medical treatments and Vaccines continue to be a controversial issue in society, Charles Hoskinson puts forth his perspective, sharing his experiences and knowledge that will leave you wondering!

He responds to commenters and demystifies numerous misconceptions surrounding the subject and highlights the hypocrisies of the FDA and their guidelines relating to the road to approval for new medical procedures. Furthermore, he discusses the importance of informed consent and the ethical implications of forced medical treatment, and how individuals' rights to choose their medical decisions should be respected.

Watch this video to gain insightful knowledge and a powerful perspective on this topic. Listen attentively as he presents significant, thought-provoking points that will leave you thinking about the critical question; "should medical treatments be forced upon individuals who don't give their consent?"

Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this informative video with your friends and family to spread awareness about this critical issue, and help them gain insightful knowledge.

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Charles Hoskinson Speaks Out Against Forced Medical Treatment, Forced Medical Treatment, Medical Treatment, Medical Decisions, Legal Implications

#ForcedMedicalTreatment #MedicalDecisions #MedicalRights #CharlesSpeaksOut

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