Underground Science #370 - Uncovering the Pacific

1 year ago

Twitter Thread:

"SHORES OF ISLAND | No Copyright Viking Music | Fantasy Music | 1 Hour Of Relaxing Music" by Dark Burden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXrkHVZ6X_8&ab_channel=DarkBurden

"Emperor Fracture Zone (FZ) (unlikely to represent an extinct ridge)": https://portal.gplates.org/static/html/ExRidges/ExRidges_HTML_pages/3-14_Emperor.html

"Speculations on Cretaceous tectonic history of the Northwest Pacific and a
tectonic origin for the Hawaii hotspot " by Ian O. Norton: http://www.mantleplumes.org/P%5E4/P%5E4Chapters/NortonP4AcceptedMS.pdf

"Fracture Zone Traces Across the North Pacific Quiet Zone and their Tectonic Implications" by Atwater et al.: https://topex.ucsd.edu/sandwell/publications/53.pdf

"Exploration for High-Temperature Geothermal Resources in the Andean Countries of South America" by Lahsen et al.: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280720384_Exploration_for_High-Temperature_Geothermal_Resources_in_the_Andean_Countries_of_South_America

"Geología de la región de Ojos del Salado (Andes centrales, 27°S): Implicancias de la migración hacia el este del frente volcánico Cenozoico Superior" by Mpodozis et al.: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285978212_Geologia_de_la_region_de_Ojos_del_Salado_Andes_centrales_27S_Implicancias_de_la_migracion_hacia_el_este_del_frente_volcanico_Cenozoico_Superior

"Global Crustal Thickness and Velocity Structure FromGeostatistical Analysis of Seismic Data" by Szwillus et al.: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1029/2018JB016593

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