The Dangers of Using Baking Soda - Dr. Mark Sircus

1 year ago

The dangers of using baking soda are few, almost non-existent though like anything taken in excess, some caution should be taken. The video is presented to balance out

• The Dangers & Side Effects of Taking ...

Sodium Bicarbonate e-Book

pH Adjust

This video is about the dangers of using baking soda. Unfortunately for this video there are no dangers or of course, even drinking too much water is dangerous. Swimming in a chlorinated pool is dangerous. Everything is dangerous when is too much. I am doing this video in response a video I saw with the same title “The dangers of using baking soda” by Dr. Eric Berg. I thought it was a good video, interesting and he make some good points, but by the reaction to the people watching the video in the comment section there was a lot of resentment and that is well placed. To put a cloud or a shadow over something over a natural substance which is also a drug, that is so helpful so needed and so useful it's a shame. Sure sodium bicarbonate taken in excess can result in some side effects, some swelling, water retention and the fact is it doesn't cure anything or in this particular video by this doctor he was talking a lot about GERD - acid reflux. Sodium Bicarbonate does not cure acid reflux, but when you are having it, it is the medicine of choice. Almost instantly it will neutralize the acid that is flowing upwards. The issue about the video, about the dangers is that stomach, acid reflux is not caused by too much acid, it´s caused by too little, and the point being made by Dr. Berg is that sodium bicarbonate will decrease the acidity of the stomach. It's not true. It will decrease the acidity of the stomach if you eat or while in the middle of eating you take bicarbonate, then is it going to neutralize some of the acid that´s mixing with the foods, but if you take sodium bicarbonate, baking soda, on an empty stomach, it actually in the end stimulates acid production because when you take bicarbonate it is alkaline and will draw the response from the stomach to try to neutralize it, which it does with acid. Of course the sodium bicarbonate is turning to carbon dioxide in the stomach and it is leaving the stomach quite quickly either going into the blood and the form of bicarbonate again even its turn to carbon dioxide or it just leaves the stomach, its water, bicarbonate water. So, it is not a problem. The point is made that taking too much sodium bicarbonate can increase your salt intake and this is true and sometimes that's a problem. Better off cutting salt in your diet then cutting out the sodium bicarbonate, because people who take it or taking it for a reason almost everybody needs it these days, because we are struggling with toxicity in the body, chemical toxicity, heavy metals, radiation and bicarbonate helps neutralize all these things and help us to alkalize the body fluids. When takes bicarbonate one notices right way that the pH of the urine changes, becomes more alkaline. When trying to treat cancer, sodium bicarbonate is the perfect medicine, because it increases oxygen, increases carbon dioxide you increase oxygen and cancer does not like oxygen. Another point being made is that too much sodium bicarbonate will diminish potassium levels. This might be true. For long-term use of sodium bicarbonate I don't recommend taking sodium bicarbonate. I recommend a product called pH adjust ( which one can see in the top of my protocol page. It's sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate and magnesium. So, you are getting less salt, because you´re taking potassium bicarbonate, you´re getting your potassium and you´re getting magnesium. So, it's helping to balance the minerals. So, yes, one needs to be intelligent when using something so powerful as sodium bicarbonate but it should not have any fear associated with it. If you want to do really intense bicarbonate treatments you need to steer it with you´re testing your urine every day, or twice a day. If you are treating cancer 2-3 times a day, because when you are really treating something intense like cancer, you want to get the urine up to 8. You want to get alkaline. Bicarbonate today is one of the most important medicines there is.


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