Q&A Webinar from November 29, 2023

1 year ago

In this webinar, we held a Q&A session.

Topics covered:
1. What could be the causes for the body producing cloudy urine (white)? How would you support the healing process based on the "new medicine"?
2. What are your thoughts on anti-venom? Does it actually work, e.g., for scorpions, snakes, etc, or is it another sham? If it's a sham, are there any natural methods to treat venomous stings/bites?
3. I just read your quote about the way science makes understandable things difficult. I've been wondering if Rudolf Steiner adopted the scientific model of Spiritual Science for his mysticism to be more acceptable. Is this the cause of the difficulty in understanding his language? The ideas can be grasped.
4. According to research a group of those who say they have symptoms of long COVID, were found to have microclotting of the blood vessels. No cause was identified. 1. Does this sound like a natural response to radiation poisoning? 2. Are these microclots something that needs to be remediated? Or is this a natural process of healing? 3. Besides eliminating the root cause, what can be done to help a body overcome "microclotting"? Any other ideas or thoughts about this issue?
5. What does Dr. Cowan think about the chestnut blight, which all but wiped out the American chestnut in the first half of the 1900s? The disease is supposedly caused by an Asian bark fungus, introduced in the late 1800s. Does Dr. Cowan think that this is an example of an infectious disease, or is this another false narrative? Does he think that the disease is actually caused by environmental changes?
6. What foods help structure water?
7. Please speak about ED and any possible resolutions to the problem.
8. Why do people seem to get “colds” when the seasons change? Is there legitimate something about the change in temperature or the weather causing this phenomenon?
9. Wondering if we need to worry about vaccine shedding.
10. Can a Biomedical Detection Dog be trained to sniff out a cell salt in vitro or in vivo? Just to confirm the product or person has it.
11. What is the function of the spleen, how will a person be affected if it’s been removed and what can be done to prevent problems?

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