II Peter Lesson-03: Called to Abundant Living - Part III

1 year ago

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Today's Lesson

Today we are in Lesson-03 in the series “Grow in Grace, Grow in Knowledge” from the book of II Peter.
This is Volume II of our series: “Strangers and Pilgrims” a study of I and II Peter.
The lesson is titled “Called to Abundant Living – Part III” and our focus passage is II Peter 1:12-21.
Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

In our previous episode, we continued our study of II Peter 1, with our second division “Called to Fruitful Lives” from verses 5-11.
The Apostle Peter after reminding his audience of their great redemption, went on to exhort them to not just be satisfied with that knowledge as magnificent as it is. There is more.
He reminded them that our sanctification process should lead to spiritual growth and fruitfulness.
There are works to be done that been prepared for those of us who are in Christ (cf. Eph. 2:10).
And as believers, we are encouraged to take an active part in that sanctification process so that the very qualities of Jesus Christ are more than evident in our lives.
We are expected to produce spiritual fruit as we stay connected, as we remain in Him.

Today we will focus on our third and final division, “Called to Firm Lives”, v12-21.

As we look at the final portion of this first chapter, we will understand how we can live firm lives because we have a firm foundation.
Let’s get started

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