#0125 Is There Life After Death ft Anita Wood Pt 1 -Further. Every. Day.

1 year ago

Podcast #0122 - Life After Death

Are the atheists’ correct - there is no God, no Heaven, and no Hell? Or is the Bible correct - and we all better get ready to meet our maker? This is the topic today as we continue Further Every Day!

Barna Research

Got Questions - What Happens After Death

Got Questions - Is There Life After Death

Angel Studios - Recorded Livestream Discussion of Movie

What does the Bible say about life after death?
What are some of the different views about life after death?
How can this movie be used to speak to someone about God?
Are there any recorded “NDE’s” (Near Death Experiences) found in the Bible

Why should it matter if we believe in life after death?
What are some dangers of the different views about life after death?

The movie, “After Death”, was released in theaters on October 27th.
Why should people see this movie?
What should people be aware of before they see the movie?

How does this issue get intertwined with government and politics?
A government that is anti-God will look to censor this topic
How would this issue potentially impact healthcare issues in general?
Policy is moving toward EOL actions for people with “no way back”, severely injured

Is there a connection between life after death and our economy?
Call 1*10:15 - 12:15
The cardiologist says, "hogwash"

Call 2
*35:30 - 36:45
Can it be true

Call 3
*51:15 - 53:15
The desire for this film (by the producer)

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